Paper for ISI Congress, Dublin 2011 Describes banking interventions in Ireland Treatment in National Accounts (ESA95/MGDD) Specific methodological issues
Chart 2: Irish Government Deficit
Chart 1: Irish Government Debt
Methodological issues Guarantees Capital injections into publicly owned banks Classification of units (bad banks) Re-routing of transactions
Government guarantees Off-balance sheet contingent liabilities or Government Debt
EU Government guarantees linked to the financial crisis (end March 2011) EU Member StateValue (€bn)% of GDP Ireland Greece UK Cyprus Belgium Denmark Euro area (EA17) EU , Source: Eurostat
Government guarantees SNA93/ESA95 Guarantees contingent liabilities Exceptionally in the MGDD can be Government Debt SNA08/ESA10 Standardised guarantees One-off loans still contingencies but
Government guarantees Para of SNA : “As an exception, one-off guarantees granted by governments to corporations in certain well-defined financially distressed situations and with a very high likelihood to be called are treated as if these guarantees are called when the financial distress is recognised”
Capital injections into public units SNA93/ESA95 Injections to cover accumulated losses – Capital transfer Other injections as owners – Equity SNA08/ESA10/MGDD Injections to cover accumulated losses – Capital transfer Other injections as owners – Equity or capital transfer, depending on expected return. SNA08 less prescriptive than ESA10/MGDD which looks for a sufficient rate of return
Classification of public units Private /Public control Concept more refined in new SNA/ESA, but still judgemental. Market/Non-market Also more refined in new SNA/ESA. ESA still more prescriptive (50% rule)
Classification of publicly controlled bad banks within EU Private /Public control? Under very restrictive conditions, financial corporations controlled by Government may be classified outside of General Government Sector if majority privately owned Only during the financial crisis
Classification of publicly controlled bad banks within EU Market/Non-market Application of ESA 50% rule to financial corporations difficult Bad bank - Defeasance structure or MFI? In ESA, MFI’s based on list maintained by ECB for statistical reporting and Eurosystem operations
Classification of publicly controlled bad banks within EU Market/Non-market Old bank in run down mode may have banking licence and be on MFI list (Anglo) Newly established bad bank may not have banking licence (Northern Rock) ECB MFI list used for statistical reporting but also Eurosystem Comparability may be improved by re-routing transactions so classification becomes secondary
Summary During financial crisis the scale of government interventions in banks very large Borderline cases - Inconsistencies in recording of capital injections and in classification of units. Effort to improve transparency of reported data especially by Eurostat New SNA08/ESA10 does not fully resolve problems. Economic reality the key but can be difficult to implement