1970s Population 204,879,000 Unemployed 4 million National Debt $382 billion Average salary $7,564 Bread $.24 Milk $1.30 per gallon Life Expectancy 67 male 75 female
1970s Watergate End of Vietnam Inflation Oil Crisis Home Computers
1970s – End of Vietnam Nixon comes in 1969 in wake of Tet, My Lai Pentagon Papers, Kent State Shootings worsen public opinion Process of Vietnamization starts Uptick in bombing of N. Vietnam By end of Nixon’s adm, withdrawal underway Final withdrawal 1975
1970s – Watergate H.R. Haldeman: quote on the Watergate scandal"Once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it is awfully hard to get it back in." –(Comment to John Dean, April 8, 1973) "I don't think you're going to see a great, great uproar in this country about the Republican committee trying to bug the Democratic headquarters." (Nixon, four days after the 1972 Watergate break-in) "In all my years of public life, I have never obstructed justice. People have got to know whether or not their President is a crook. Well, I'm not a crook; I earned everything I've got." (Nixon 1973)
1970s – Watergate – What happened? Break in / bugging of Dem Headquarters –Rumors that burglars were working for CREEP –Congressional investigation, asks for tapes –Nixon first claims exec priv, then hands over tapes with missing 18 min –Woodward and Bernstein publish Deep Throat stories –Nixon resigns to avoid impeachment
1970s Watergate - Aftermath Ford = unelected president Ford issues full pardon Public sees cover-up as bigger crime Vietnam + Watergate = Permanent mistrust of Presidency + Politicians
1970s – Econ Inflation / Stagflation Japanese Manufacturing 1973 Oil Crisis