RCS simulation 現状 と 今後 平成1 8 年 4 月14日 發知. Comparison with Machida’s result Machida’s result (6.72, 6.35) 181 INJ., 0.6 W/O CC W/ CC W/ Mult. of.


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Presentation transcript:

RCS simulation 現状 と 今後 平成1 8 年 4 月14日 發知

Comparison with Machida’s result Machida’s result (6.72, 6.35) 181 INJ., 0.6 W/O CC W/ CC W/ Mult. of BM & QM W/O Mult. of BM & QM W/ CC Beam survival turns time (sec) Present result QxQx QyQy 1200 turns

Comparison of Beta functions Machida’s beta Present beta Beta function for 1/3 of (6.72, 6.35) B x (m) B y (m) s (m)

Comparison of painting area Machida Present Normalized phase space Matched beam, Emittance of linac beam:  Gaussian(2  ) with  =1.0  for  x n,  y n Mismatched beam, Emittance of linac beam:  Gaussian(4  ) with  =0.25  for  x n,  y n 324  216  Effective painting area: ~ 170  (x & y) mm mrad Effective painting area: ~ 170  (x), 100  (y) mm mrad x-x’ y-y’ x-x’ y-y’ ~170  ~100 

Improvement of painting Effective painting area: ~ 170  (x), 100  (y) mm mrad Effective painting area ~ 170  (x & y) mm mrad Twiss parameters of linac beam  x = m,  x =  y = m,  y =+0.4 Twiss parameters of linac beam  x = m,  x =  y = m,  y =  0.4 Improved x-x’ y-y’ x-x’ y-y’

Beam loss after “some improvements” (6.72, 6.35), 181 INJ., 0.6 Chromatic cor. : ON Beam survival turns W/ Mult W/O Mult xx Paint area Linac beam profile

RCS simulation - Mesh transverse : 50(r) x 64(  ) for R=0.17 m longitudinal : Injection energy and beam power 181 MeV inj., 0.6 and 0.3 Ext. - Number of macro particles Paint type Correlate - Linac beam profile  x :  (rms),  (99.5%)  y :  (rms),  (99.5%)  p/p : (rms), (99.5%)  0.25  for  x,y, for  p/p Gaussians (4  ) with - Twiss parameter of linac beam (mismatched beam)  x =-1.640,  x = m  y =-0.4,  y = m - Tracking condition -

Effective painting area ~ 170  (x & y) mm mrad Twiss parameters of linac beam  x = m,  x =  y = m,  y =  0.4 Painting Mismatched beam, Correlate paint

RCS simulation - Errors to be included in the simulations - (1) Multipole field components of BM & QM BM : MEASURED data & TOSCA QM : TOSCA (The measurement will be performed soon.) (2) Field errors of BM & QM BM : MEASURED data, Shuffling QM : No data → Random error [ Gauss(2  ) with  =5E-4 ] (The measured data will be available soon.) (3) Alignment errors of BM & QM Random error [ Gauss(2  ) with  =0.1 mm for dx & dy,  =0.2 mrad for d  (4)Leak fields from INJ & EXT DC SEPTA TOSCA (in progress) (6)B-Q, Q-Q tracking errors (5) Magnetic interference (7) Bump field errors included in simulations The measurements of (Q-S), (Q-STR) … are planned.

K0K0 K 1 (m -1 ) K 2 (m -2 ) K 3 (m -3 ) K 4 (m -4 ) K 5 (m -5 ) K 6 (m -6 ) BM 0.262E E E E E E E+5 QFL E E E+2- QDL E E E+2- QFM E E E+3- QFN E E E+3- QDN E E E+3- QDX E E E+3- QFX E E E+3- SDA E SDB E SFX E Multipole field components K n estimated at (6.68, 6.27) [ BM : Measurement & TOSCA QM : TOSCA ]

 mm mrad Q x -2Q y =-6 4Q x =27 Q x -4Q y =-18 2Q x -2Q y =0 3Q x +4Q y =45 Nonlinear resonances at RCS QxQx QxQx QyQy QyQy  p/p=0%  p/p=0.5% - Multipole field in the BM and QM applied : K 0 ~ K 6 - Chromatic correction : ON (SDA=  0.317, SDB=  0.276, SFX=0.417 m -2 ) - Synchrotron oscillation : ON assuming the stationary bucket - Physical aperture : set for all the BM, QM, SM - Start point of tracking : 1 st QDX - Initial condition of the beam particle:  x =  y, x=(  x /  x ) 1/2, x’=0, y=(  y /  y ) 1/2, y’=0, z=0,  p/p=0 and 0.5% - Number of turns : 5000 xx yy We looked for the maximum  x =  y for which the beam survives within the physical apertures up to 5000 turns.  x =  y

Field & Alignment errors of BM  BL)/(BL)  x (m)  y (m)  (rad) BM No. After shuffling

Field & Alignment errors of QM  GL)/(GL)  x (m)  y (m)  (rad) QM No.

COD &   caused by errors(1)~(3) COD dx (m) dy (m) s (m) |COD x |<~1.5 mm (before cor.) <~0.5 mm (after cor.) |COD y |<~4.5 mm (before cor.) <~0.8 mm (after cor.) Before correction After correction with STM  (6.72, 6.35) →(6.7217, )  / ~0.025% (x), 0.013% (y)

Preliminary results (6.72, 6.35) 0.6 Extr. Chromatic cor. : ACC Beam survival turns W/O Mult W/ Mult W/ Mult, ERROR, COD cor. W/ Mult, ERROR

Survey of operating point QxQx QyQy - Chromatic correction : NCC, DCC(181MeV), ACC - Beam power : 0.3MW or 0.6MW at Extr. - 3 rd resonance correction(x-2y=-6) : ON or OFF - Several errors (field, alignment errors…) ON or OFF - COD correction with STRs ON or OFF

Simulation system at JAEA ■ インテル Pentium D プロセッサ 920 (2x2MB L2 キャッシュ /2.80GHz/800MHz FSB) ■ デュアルチャネル DDR2-SDRAM 1024MB PC2-4200(512MBx2) ■250GB Serial-ATA ハードディスク ■ インテル 945G Express チップセット ………………………………………… ○ Mouse computer Lm-i 913 (×1 3台 + 10 台? ) CPU TIME (INJ~EXT : ~15000 turns) : ~ 2.5 months Short term simulation up to ~3000 turns(15 days) (survey of operating point) ○ Parallel computer at JAEA CPU TIME (INJ~EXT : ~15000 turns) : ~ 1 months Long term simulation (full simulation from INJ through EXT)