W EBSITE The website could provide informations about: - All the information required for the application and selection process. - Contact information of each partner institution and links to the partner universities websites. - Detailed information about the European Universities ant Lot 5 universities: - academic offer, - admission and language requirements, - student services, - academic calendar, - arrival information, etc. -A reserved area for partners universities in order to share the promotion documents (flyer, poster…) -Link of the Eminence website on each university website
F LYER AND P OSTER Printed and electronic versions in order to make promotion by all the partner universities Promotion on campus: electronic versions, flyers and posters can be used for promotion by , university’s magazines and journals, bulletin boards, etc. Promotion out of campus: Printed and electronic versions can be sent to key institutions such as NGO’s, public and private institutions, other universities, etc.
S OCIAL NETWORKS P ROMOTION P OLICIES Creation of two account « Facebook » and « Twitter » Both accounts could be administrated by the Coordinator or Joint Coordinator (with access for the whole partners) Facebook could be used for announcements, updates, calls for applications, remind of deadlines, answer questions, website promotion. The both account could be directly linked Promotion in social networks depends strongly on the number of followers we have, so we must try to suggest candidates to follow both accounts. If we achieve to create a strong network these tools can be very useful for answering questions and keep candidates informed and updated.
Promotion Policies and Target Groups
P ROMOTING OPPORTUNITIES FOR TG1 TG1: Registered students, academic and administrative staff from the 15 Lot 5 partner universities. WHO? Lot 5 Partner Institutions. HOW? - Promoting and distributing the material provided by the Coordination. - University journals, bulletin boards, mailing lists, radio, TV channels. - Informative sessions. - Meetings with academic and administrative units. - Create a link to the website of EMINENCE in your Home page. - Have a person at the International Office in charge of providing information about the project and supporting candidates during the application procedure. Choose the channel according to the effectiveness on each category of candidates (students, faculty members, researchers, administrative staff, etc.)
P ROMOTING OPPORTUNITIES FOR TG2 TG2: Nationals of the Lot 5 countries involved, who: are registered/work in a HEI of these countries that is not included in the partnership WHO? Partner universities but specially Associated Institutions (national/regional level). HOW? - Identify key local institutions. - Promoting and distributing the material provided by the Coordination. - Mailing lists (Alumni and university networks). - Local media (radio, TV, journals, magazines). - Contacting public and private institutions ( , meetings, informative sessions). - Dissemination tours (2nd Call for applications).
P ROMOTING OPPORTUNITIES FOR TG3 TG3: Nationals of the LA countries involved who are in particularly vulnerable situations, for economic, social and political reasons. WHO? Partner universities and Associated Institutions. HOW? - Identifying key local institutions. For example: Ministries (Culture, Education, Foreign Affairs), indigenous peoples organizations, national institutions (scholarships), NGO’s, etc. - Mailing lists, meetings, informative sessions. - Dissemination tours (2nd Call for applications).
LOT 5 promotion
I DEAS OF GOOD PRACTICES Organization of common procedure (between all the Lot 5 coordinators) Annual virtual Meeting with all the Lot 5 coordinator (about dissemination channel)
O THER IDEAS Common work between AMU and UM2 for promotionnal activities and documents Organization of several meeting before the Selection commitee between AMU, Politecnico di Torino and UM2 (3 Lot 5 coordinator)