Continuing Education Mission Statement The Center for Continuing Education facilitates the public service mission of Midwestern State University through extension of Center resources to the surrounding community. The Center works with people of the community in businesses, industry, nonprofit organizations and agencies to develop in-house programs and to co-sponsor programs with interested groups, agencies or professional organizations. Offers monthly community enrichment presentations through Foreign/Documentary/Independent film series as well as guest speakers and art events. Courses/ProgramsReach 266 Events2800 Persons
Continuing Education Salaries/Benefits30, M&O20, Revenue Returned to MSU10,000-50,000 annually Budget
IELI Mission Statement The Intensive English Language Institute (IELI) provides services to the university community of students, as well as the surrounding area through offering intensive English learning initiatives and services. Enhancement of the diversity of MSU’s student body by providing international support services. Offer quality English language instruction to non-native speakers of English whose goals may be academic, professional, or personal. Currently in the Pre-academic programs, IELI serves Chinese, Saudi, Vietnamese, Brazilian, and Thai students. Provide professional English instruction to the NATO countries at SAFB. Currently Italians. Courses/ProgramsReach 8 week sessions (5 sessions)
English Language Institute Salaries/Benefits66,000 + adjunct instructors M&O14,706 Revenue Returned to MSU50,000-70,000 annually Budget
Distance Education Mission Statement The Office of Distance Education provides support for quality instruction and scholastic opportunity for the people of Texas and beyond. Distance education promotes recruitment, enrollment and retention efforts for a diverse student body, through developing programs which will contribute to the cultural, social, moral, and intellectual growth of students. Provide faculty training on Learning Management System Support students in the online courses through the online problem report (OPR) system Expand courses and programs offered online Increase student enrollment, improve number of full time students, boost graduation rates CoursesReach 588 courses13,305 (fall, spring, summer) Internet ONLY courses 1801,816 students (fall, spring)
Distance Education Salaries/Benefits241,000 M&O25,736 Desire 2 Learn License105,000 Budget Net Profit Annually (2012 analysis) Approx 5 million
Distance Education Additional Budget Request Instructional Designer For Faculty support both online and on campus instruction Approx Annual Salary $50, (one year ONLY, funds from IELI) Funds for Online Courses Separate funds used to deliver online core courses and electives. NOT courses offered in a program. Approximate Annual Amount Requested 60 Courses x $ per year.