GOVERNMENT OBJECTIVES Halve poverty and unemployment by 2014 Ensure a more equitable distribution of the benefits of economic growth and reduce inequality Improve the nation’s health profile and skills base and ensure universal access to basic services Improve the safety of citizens by reducing incidents of crime and corruption Build a nation free of all forms of racism, sexism, tribalism and xenophobia.
GOVERNMENT PRIORITIES Speed up economic growth and transform the economy to create decent work and sustainable livelihoods Massive program to build economic and social infrastructure Comprehensive rural development strategy linked to land and agrarian reform and food security Strengthen the skills and human resource base Improve the health profile of society Intensify the fight against crime and corruption Build cohesive, caring and sustainable communities Pursue regional development, African advancement and enhanced international co-operation Sustainable resource management and use Build a developmental state including improvement of public services and strengthening democratic institutions.
6.1 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMES 3 KEY ACTIVITIES 1 M EASURES 2 TARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 To comply with statutory requirements To comply with Corporate Governance in terms of the King II Report To minimize potential litigation risks to the Regulator Efficient and effective management of the Board secretariat Execution of resolutions by management Identify risk areas within the organization and recommend measures for intervention Timeous preparation and distribution of board documents Provide secretarial support and recording of minutes No conflict of interest No leaking of confidential information Clean audit report from Auditor-General Adoption of the corporate calendar by the Board 100%
Plan, schedule and integrate meetings Keep Board records and Minutes Ensure accurate feedback from board and its committees to management Ensure that matters That require board Approval are taken through the relevant process Before being recommended To the board subcommittee or board for approval Records of minutes that are signed after Adoption for safe keeping in the minutes book Ensure that resolutions are signed after Adoption for safekeeping Circulate set of resolutions and action lists Review of the corporate calendar in line with The year plan for Adoption by the board Ensure concise minutes, resolutions and action lists to inform the Agenda process Proof of pasted Minutes in a minutes book Meeting integration to be considered during the review Of the corporate calendar Adoption of the revised corporate calendar by the board Proper minutes book kept in safe cabinet Quarterly December 2010 Quarterly December 2011 Quarterly December 2012 Quarterly 6.1 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMES 3 KEY ACTIVITIES 1 MEASURES 2 TARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 To provide timely and cost effective HRM service and promotion of fair, supportive, diverse and safe working environment for employees. Employee commitment and alignment to SADPMR processes and procedures Develop and implement the recruitment strategy plan and guidelines Develop and implement HR Policies Improve administration processes & systems in HRM to ensure compliance to legislation Remunerate employees market related salaries. Appoint external service Provider to do job valuation for new positions and benchmarking. Compliance with procedures and polices Unqualified HR Audit Report Improved staff satisfaction Pay market related salaries January 2010 Recruitment Strategy developed HR Policy developed and review March 2010 Annually January 2011 Recruitment Strategy reviewed HR Policy developed and review March 2011 Annually January 2012 Recruitment Strategy reviewed HR policies reviewed March 2012 Annually 6.2 HUMAN RESOURCES
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMES 3 KEY ACTIVITIES 1 MEASURES 2 TARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 The SADPMR meets its recruitment requirements in line with Employment Equity Act (EEA). SADPMR becoming employer of choice Attract a pool of skilled candidates Develop recruitment, remuneration and appointment strategy. Adhere to Recruitment Policy and Procedures. Right candidates appointed for the right job. 100 % Achieve equity in the work place and to ensure compliance to EE Act Establish Employment Equity Committee Workforce Compliment Complying with EE Plan developed and implemented. September 2010 EE Committee Established. November 2010 EE Plan developed. September 2011 EE Committee Review Employment Equity Plan September 2012 EE Committee Review Employmen t Equity Plan 6.2 HUMAN RESOURCES
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMES 3 KEY ACTIVITIES 1 MEASURES 2 TARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 Promotion of good employee relations Adherence to Employee Relations processes and procedures in line with internal Policies and national legislation Develop an Employee Relations Strategy Establish an Employee / Employer Forum Provide Employee Relations training for all supervisors and managers Employment Relations environment characterised by sound employer/ employee relations. Adverse and untrustworthy relations avoided through managers and supervisors training on Employee Relations and management processes October 2010 Employee Relations Strategy developed October 2010 Employee / Employer Forum established. October 2010 Training on Employee Relations for Supervisors and Managers conducted. June 2011 Annual review of Employee Relations Strategy. October 2011 Training on Employee Relations for Supervisors and Managers conducted. June 2012 Annual review of Employee Relations Strategy. October 2012 Training on Employee Relations for Supervisor s and Managers conducted 6.2 HUMAN RESOURCES
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMESKEY ACTIVITIESMEASURESTARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 Implement employee/employer training on dispute resolution Reduction of disciplinary matters. Elimination of negative working conditions. October 2010 Training on disciplinary and grievance procedures conducted Training on disciplinary and grievance procedures conducted once per year Training and Development Appropriately s killed staff employed Needs based training provided Internship Programme Implemented as per Skills Development Act (SDA) Compile and approved a Workplace Skills Plan Review the Study Loan to Employees. Provide internship training based on relevant qualifications Approved WSP implemented Approved financial Study Assistance for employees in work related studies Number of interns trained in terms of SDA. June 2010 WSP report submitted to MQA 100 % approval of all applications 5 interns June 2011 WSP report submitted to MQA 100% approval of all applications 5 interns June 2012 WSP report submitted to MQA 100% approval of all applications 5 interns 6.2 HUMAN RESOURCES
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMESKEY ACTIVITIESMEASURES TARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 Instill a culture of high performance within the Regulator Motivated and productive staff Workshop Managers and Juniors on Performance Management. Implement Performance Management Policy Develop Succession Plan Policy Work Plan signed by Junior employees and Performance Contracts signed by Snr Managers All employees evaluated bi-annually. New employees Evaluated Quarterly High performers Identified January 2010 Work Plans Procedures be aligned to PMP. March 2010 Policy Implemented Approved Succession Plan Policy January 2011 Work Plans review All employees evaluated and rewarded based on their performance March 2011 Implementation January 2012 Work Plans review All employees evaluated and rewarded based on their performance 6.2 HUMAN RESOURCES
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES To co-ordinate Organisational Development and Change Management Programme OUTCOMES 3 Increased performance from employees KEY ACTIVITIES 1 Develop comprehensive Wellness Strategy in line with current outsourced EAP Programme to Independent Counselling and Advisory Services (ICAS) MEASURES 2 OD Strategy developed and implemented TARGETS 2010/11 August 2010 OD strategy which includes EAP services implemented. TARGETS 2011/12. OD strategy which includes EAP services implemented TARGETS 2012/13 August 2012 OD Strategy reviewed 6.2 HUMAN RESOURCES
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE OUTCOMES 3 KEY ACTIVITIES 1 MEASURES 2 TARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 To provide legal support to all the divisions of the Regulator Ensure compliance with the legislation Provide legal support to internal stakeholders by drafting legal opinions and advice Provide legal advice on legislation administered by the Regulator and any relevant legislation Improved service delivery to stakeholders. 8 working days upon request 5 working days upon request 3 working days upon request 6.3 LEGAL SERVICES AND COMPLIANCE (LICENSING)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMES 3 KEY ACTIVITIES 1 MEASURES 2 TARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 Provide efficient and effective legal services Minimise potential risk of civil legal proceedings Review, analyse and negotiate contracts Management institution of litigation on behalf of the Regulator Liaise with attorneys and counsel on litigation and related matters Ensure best terms and conditions for all contracts. Procure efficient and cost-effective legal service providers Review all of current contracts Draft list of preferred service providers Review and update list of service providers Ensure Regulator achieves its Statutory mandate Adherence to statutory requirements by diamond and precious metals industry Interpretation and implementation of statutes Improved service delivery to all stakeholders Accurate interpretation of statutes Accurate Interpretation of statutes Accurate interpretation of statutes 6.3 LEGAL SERVICES AND COMPLIANCE (LICENSING)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMES 3 KE Y ACTIVITIES 1 MEASURES 2 TARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 To regulate the downstream trade in beneficiation of diamonds and precious metals industries Ensure compliance with the statutory requirements Transformed industry & sustainable development Processing application and issuing licenses, permits and certificates Helpdesk assisting and advising HDSA Applicants with their business plans. Adherence to regulated timeframes Number of licenses issued Absence of inappropriate licence applications Number of HDSA assisted 100% Adherence to prescribed timeframes 500 Complete applications processes % Adherence to prescribed timeframes 500 Complete applications processes % Adherence to prescribed timeframes 500 Complete applications processes LEGAL SERVICES AND COMPLIANCE (LICENSING)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMES 3 KEY ACTIVITIES 1 MEASURES 2 TARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 Ensure the orderly development of a Sustainable diamond and precious metals industry in the Republic Ensure compliance with regulated licensing Requirements Conduct compliance audit on licences Issued and conduct compliance inspections (Number)Percentage of licensees audited, months after licence issued No. of audits done and inspection conducted. 100 % of diamond licences issued in 2008 cycle.(577) i.e. Verification 250 Audits % of precious metals licences issued in % of diamond licences issued In % of all licenses issued for more than a year 6.3 LEGAL SERVICES AND COMPLIANCE (LICENSING)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMESKEY ACTIVITIESMEASURESTARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 To introduce and promote new licensing regime to stakeholders Stakeholder kept informed of thelicensing regime Facilitating regional workshops for Stakeholders inclusive of prospective applicants To facilitate Information sessions on first 5-year renewal of diamond licences Gauteng W & E Cape Northern Cape Free State KZN Feb 2010 March 2010 Feb 2011 March 2011 Feb 2012 March LEGAL SERVICES AND COMPLIANCE (LICENSING)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE OUTCOMES 3 KEY ACTIVITIES 1 MEASURES 2 TARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 To conduct compliance inspections to enforce the law. To decreased over time the number of incidents of non-compliance and exception reporting Business conducted in a suitably controlled environment Ensure compliance with the regulations Compliance with the license conditions Ensure registration of all producers and compliance with the legislation A database of registered diamond Producers. New business premises inspections Inspections on issued licences Establish a number of unregistered diamond producers. Conduct inspections on all diamond producers and trading houses Number of inspections requests received number of inspections conducted Number of licences issued (776) Number of inspections conducted Number of registered producers (205) versus number of unregistered producers Number of inspections conducted 100% Inspections 50 30% of licenses issued 200 Inspect 60% of registered producers % Inspections 50 50% of licenses issued 300 Inspect 80% of registered producers % Inspections 50 70% of licenses issued 350 Inspect 100% of registered producers DIAMOND INSPECTORATE
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE OUTCOMESKEY ACTIVITIESMEASURES TARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 Administer and control the imports and exports of diamonds. Ensure compliance with Kimberley Process Certification Scheme Issue KPC certificates. Perform audit trail of parcels received at the DEEC Number of certificates issued Number of carats sold, exported and imported. 100% Compliance 100% Compliance 100% Compliance 100% Compliance 100% Compliance 100% Compliance 6.4 DIAMOND INSPECTORATE
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE OUTCOMES 3 KEY ACTIVITIES 1 MEASURES 2 TARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 To correctly assess the value of all diamonds imported into or exported outside the Republic To ensure diamonds are traded at a fair market value To ensure that all diamonds imported and exported reflects the fair market value (Globally competitive diamond prices) Ongoing Price-Book analysis. Conduct global market research Monthly monitoring and analysis of global market trends Compiled monthly price book Monthly 60%. monthly Monthly 80%. monthly Monthly 100%. monthly Verify the value of diamonds offered to SDT. Conduct market research. Verify the value of diamonds offered to SDT. Travelling bi- annually to inter- markets Caratage/value of diamonds purchased against diamonds offered Two inter- markets 33% 100% of diamond offered to SDT Four inter- markets 66% 100% of diamond offered to SDT Six inter- markets 100% 100% of diamond offered to SDT Describe and value exhibits held by SAPS for court purposes. obliged to attend court subpoenas Attend court orders Analyse success rate of convictions Value of diamonds exhibit Court cases 33% 100% of court cases Court cases 66% 100 % of Court cases Court cases 100% 100 % of Court cases 6.5 GOVERNMENT DIAMOND VALUATOR
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMES 3 KEY ACTIVITIES 1 MEASURES 2 TARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 Educate and inform 30% of permit holders about the benefits of trading at the DEEC Educate and Inform mining permit holders about the benefits of trading at the DEEC Ensure that all unpolished diamonds imported into RSA are of Fair market value to assist SARS in calculating the credits. Hold meetings with SARS. Value of diamonds Monthly Assist industry on polished proportions. Increased participation of diamond small scale miners at DEEC Give presentation on function of GDV. Conduct workshops with diamond small scale miners Visit to DME regional offices where diamond mining activities are taking place; Northern Cape. Number of workshops conducted Quarterly 6.5 GOVERNMENT DIAMOND VALUATOR
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMES 3 KEY ACTIVITIES 1 MEASURES 2 TARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 Execute all control measures instituted in Terms of the Act and in compliance with the requirements of the KPCS. Ensure that all Unpolished diamonds imports and exports reflect the Fair Market Value Compliance with KPCS Ongoing Price Book analysis. Apply requirements of KPCS Value of diamonds Number of successful diamond exports and imports transactions 100% analysis 6.5 GOVERNMENT DIAMOND VALUATOR
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE OUTCOMES KEY ACTIVITIES MEASURES TARGET (2010/11) TARGET (201/12) TARGET (2012/13) To conduct compliance inspection and to enforce the law All the precious metals license, permit and certificate holders are compliant with the provisions of the Precious Metals Act, 2005 Inspect the premises of new applicants Number of inspection done 8050 Conduct 1 st follow-up inspections Number of inspection done Conduct routine follow-up inspections Number of inspection s done Conduct inspections on unwrought and semi-fabricated imports and exports (move to diamonds and precious metals slide ) Number of inspection done I 6.6 PRECIOUS METALS INSPECTORATE
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMESACTIVITIESMEASURES TARGETS (2010/11) TARGETS (2011/12) TARGETS (2012/13) To ensure that registers are submitted to the Regulator Accurate precious metals industry statistics available for use by authorised stakeholders Monitor the submission of registers by the persons specified in the Precious Act, 2005 and Regulations and follow-up on those that do not submit their Registers The percentage of license, permit and certificate holders submitting registers 80%90%100% 6.6 PRECIOUS METALS INSPECTORATE
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMESKEY ACTIVITIES TARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 BENEFICIATION PROMOTION Value addition to diamonds and precious metals Provide input into the DME Draft Beneficiation Strategy for South Africa's Minerals Industry Provide input as the SADPMR member of the Beneficiation Strategy Task Team. Finalise the Strategy with the Task Team Co-ordinate elements of the Strategy implementation - relevant to the SADPMR Promote the South African Diamond & Precious Metals industries Participate in diamond, precious metal and jewellery exhibitions Participate in the World Diamond Conference Participate in the LBMA Precious Metals conference Participate in the World Diamond Conference Establishment of the Jewellery Precinct at OR Tambo Airport Negotiations with DTI,ACSA and Gauteng Development Agency(GEDA) Approval of GEDA application by DTI Feasibility study by GEDA submitted to stakeholders Planning phase and consultation with interested parties 6.7 BENEFICIATION
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOME/SACTIVITIES TARGET 2010/11 TARGET 2011/12 TARGET 2012/13 To establish knowledge base on diamonds and precious metals Achieve best practice in the implementation of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) Represent South Africa at Kimberley Process Working Group Diamond Experts meetings and conferences Represent SA at the Kimberley Process meetings in Namibia or Israel Represent SA at the Kimberley Process meetings in Tanzania Represent SA at the Kimberley Process meetings in USA Establish the SADPMR as an authority on the SA diamond and precious Metals industries Provide technical insight, advice and research with regard to issues relating to the diamond & precious metals industries Technical research and advice relating to synthetic diamonds, polished diamond exchanges Technical research and advice relating to minted bars and precious metal coins Technical research and advice relating to KP statistics Review the Precious Metals Industry annually for the SADPMR Annual Report Annual Review of the precious metals industry for 2009 Annual Review of the precious metals industry for 2010 Annual Review of the precious metals industry for BENEFICIATION
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOME/S ACTIVITIES TARGET 2010/11 TARGET 2011/12 TARGET 2012/13 Facilitate and/or develop projects that will enhance both compliance and value addition. Support knowledge base, compliance and value addition Facilitate and coordinate the development of a Diamond Provence Laboratory in South Africa (at MINTEK) Co-ordinate the collection of diamond samples from South Africa and Africa Establishment of routine diamond analyses for provenance studies Co-ordinate worldwide collaboration Support knowledge base PGMs in South Africa handbook Research the PGMs trading and Fabrication industries in South Africa. Compile chapter on PGMs refining and trading in South Africa Draft chapter on PGMs fabrication in South Africa Editing of Chapter 1 and 2 Compile Tables, and graphics Publish and distribute PGMs in South Africa Handbook 6.7 BENEFICIATION
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMESKEY ACTIVITIESMEASURES TARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 Align annual budget with the strategic plan. Develop and implement policies and procedures Resources allocated and utilised on key priorities Compliance with the PFMA requirements Align budget to departmental priorities Review the: Fleet Management Policy Fraud Prevention Plan Fixed Assets Acquisition, Management and Disposal Policy Approved Departmental resource allocation and utilisation plan Effective management and safeguarding of the assets of the entity Better alignment with the provision of the Supply Chain Management Policy. 30 Sept 2010 March Sept 2011 March Sept 2012 March FINANCE DEPARTMENT
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMESKEY ACTIVITIESMEASURESTARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 Manage Assets of the entity Accurate and timeous reporting Ensure maximum utilisation and minimise losses in asset management Ensure effective control of resources and to enhance service delivery. Tag all assets Quarterly review of expenditure patterns Accurate and reliable assets register Unqualified audit report March 2011 March 2012 March FINANCE DEPARTMENT
6.9 INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE OUTCOMESKEY ACTIVITYMEASURESTARGETS 2009/10 TARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 ICT Service delivery & Support Provide assurance that the ICT service Management practices will ensure the delivery of the level of services required to meet the organization’s objectives. Implementation of ICT Helpdesk System. Divisional Training on new procedures and processes Smooth and uninterrupted delivery service. Smooth and uninterrupted delivery service daily On request or at least Annually Daily On request or at least annually Daily On request or at least Annually
6.9 INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMESKEY ACTIVITIESMEASURESTARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2012/12 TARGETS 2012/13 Provide Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) & Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Provide assurance that in the event of a disruption the disaster recovery & business continuity processes will ensure the timely resumption of IT services while minimizing the business impact. Proposal to be submitted for approval of project. Tender process. Implementation of DRP / BCP. Training & Awareness Approved DRP and BCP plans Successful Bidder Documentation of DRP / BCP Testing March 2010 November 2010 December 2010 Annually 100 % protection of data 100 % protection Annually 100% protection of data 100% protection Annually
6.9 INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMES KEY ACTIVITIESMEASURESTARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 IT GovernanceEnsure compliance with Corporate IT Governance. Development and Implementation of the ICT Policy and Procedures. Compliance with legislation & Information Acts. All ICT Policies & Procedures is made available to employees. Clean Internal Audit March 2011 August 2010 Implement August 2011 Implement August 2012
6.9 INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE OUTCOMESKEY ACTIVITIESMEASURESTARGETS Protection of Information Assets Provide assurance that the security Architecture (policies, standards, procedures, & controls) ensures the confidentiality, integrity, & availability of information assets. Recruitment of ICT Security Personnel Development & Implementation of ICT Security Plan. Employee Training and Awareness. Monitoring & Control of Security policies, procedures and controls. Daily, Weekly and Monthly Reporting. Adherence to Compliance 100% protection 100% compliance 100% protection 100% compliance 100% protection 100% compliance
6.9 INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMESKEY ACTIVITIESMEASURESTARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 Manage systems Infrastructure lifecycle Provide assurance that the Management practices for the development/acqui sition, testing, implementation, maintenance, & disposal of systems & infrastructure will meet the organization's objectives. Development and Implementation of ICT Master Systems Plan. The appropriate Network Architecture Solution in place. The appropriate Business Application aligned with organization needs. April 2011April % implemented April % implemented
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMESKEY ACTIVITIESMEASURESTARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 Maintain efficient and effective controls. Audit Charter in place A three year rolling strategic plan Review the internal audit charter Audits executed according to the identified risks. Compliance with the audit charter Values and objectives are established and communicated June 2010 Sept March 2011 Sept March 2013 Sept INTERNAL AUDIT
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OUTCOMESKEY ACTIVITIESMEASURESTARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 Risks identified and mitigated A quarterly report to the audit committee detailing its performance against the annual internal audit plan. Co-ordinate with other internal and external providers of assurance Risk areas of the institution’s operations are covered in the scope of internal and external audits Effective monitoring and possible intervention by the Audit Committee. Proper coverage of audits and minimized duplication of effort Stakeholders are satisfied with the services rendered by the internal audit function Quarterly reports Mutually planned audit assignments Nov 2010 Quarterly Annually Nov 2011 Quarterly Annually Nov 2013 Quarterly Annually 6.10 INTERNAL AUDIT
6.11 SECURITY RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE OUTCOMESKEY ACTIVITIESMEASURESTARGETS 2010/11 TARGETS 2011/12 TARGETS 2012/13 Protect and safeguard physical and intellectual properties of the SADPMR Ensure implementation of the Minimum Information Security Standard (MISS). Ensure proper management of company pool cars. Development and Implementation of the SADPMR Physical and Information Security Policy. Make all employees to be familiar with security policy. To control the access to DEEC on daily basis and ensure proper monitoring of CCTV Control the proper use of pool cars. Security Policy is well communicated to all employees. Adherence to security procedures. Upgrade the CCTV and Alarms to the required standard and monitor tenders at DEEC. Authorized booking and utilization of pool cars. Security awareness programme s are done Proper usage of access cards. To have CCTV and Access control upgraded. Only authorized employees have access to pool cars. Vetting of shortlisted candidates takes place. All employees and use their access cards. To limit the access to DEEC on daily basis. Only authorized employees have access to pool cars. Vetting of shortlisted candidates takes place. All employees and use their access cards. To limit the access to DEEC on daily basis Only authorized employees have access to pool cars.
AREA OF FOCUS DEEC 37 Strategic objectivesInterventions Outcomes To ensure security of supply of unpolished diamonds by promoting:- Accessibility to DEEC Availability of diamonds Expand and market services of the Diamond Exchange and Export Centre (DEEC) to 1.Small scale miners/diggers 2.Individual cutters/polishers Growth and sustainability of local beneficiation and number of SMME and jobs
AREA OF FOCUS DEEC 38 Strategic objectiveInterventionsOutcomes To increase access to and availability of diamonds for local traders and beneficiators. Enabling foreign producers to bring goods to RSA and develop infrastructure for international diamond traders Increase in access to number of carats and a larger variety of diamonds from the African continent for cutters and polishers. Establish a world class diamonds market in S.A.