Our roles and responsibilities as GPs Professional values Our roles and responsibilities as GPs
Why do this session? nMRCGP competencies Working with colleagues and in teams Maintaining an ethical approach Fitness to practice RCGP curriculum chapter 3 – personal and professional responsibilities
What roles does a GP have? Think as widely as possible
agent/shaper of policy patient’s advocate member of a profession clinician family doctor person agent/shaper of policy patient’s advocate researcher gatekeeper teacher resource allocator GP’s role reflective practitioner handler of information learner team member business person employer team leader colleague manager partner employee
Self - principles and values Family Patients Who are we responsible to? Colleagues and team Society as a whole NHS
4 ethical principles Beneficence - doing good Non maleficence - not doing harm Justice - fairness (distributive justice) Respect for autonomy - decision should be informed, competent, not coerced
4 moral theories Virtue - innate character attributes Duties - rules of moral conduct Utility - the greatest good of the greatest number Rights - people are intrinsically entitled to certain things/services
GMC - duties of a doctor Recognise limits of your professional competence Be honest and trustworthy Respect and protect confidential information Don’t let personal beliefs prejudice patients’ care Act quickly to protect patients if you believe you or a colleague may be unfit to practise Avoid abusing your position as a doctor Work with colleagues in ways that best serve patients’ interests Make care of every patient your first concern Treat every patient politely and considerately Respect patients’ dignity and privacy Listen to patients and respect their views Give patients info in a way they can understand Respect their rights to be fully involved in decisions about their care Keep your knowledge and skills up to date
The good general practitioner RCGP, 1985 Awareness of your own values, beliefs and attitudes and how they affect your work Recognition of the social, cultural and organisational factors affecting their work Possession and application of ethical principles Tolerance, respect and flexibility in response to the ideas of others Willingness to submit work to review by peers and to give and receive criticism Ability to maintain own physical and mental health Awareness of factors influencing relationship between their personal and professional life Willingness to accept responsibility for patients and colleagues in the practice
RCGP curriculum chapter 3 – personal and professional responsibilities Clinical governance Patient safety Clinical ethics and values-based practice Promoting equality and valuing diversity Evidence based practice Research and academic activity Teaching, mentoring and clinical supervision
Some other sources of guidance Law (e g access to medical records, fitness to drive, consent issues, Mental Health Act, employment law, Human Rights Act, Mental Capacity Act) Contractual (Terms and Conditions of Service, agreements with PCT, practice agreements, contracts of employment)
Scenarios for discussion You may not all agree on an answer There often isn’t a right answer Learn to think both broadly and deeply about the issues raised And find a framework to support your thinking