Yarn Bowls
They can have a lid
Bowl can have a handle
Bowl can be different shapes and sizes…
Bowl can have a design
Yarn Bowl Assignment You must finish all of your coil Shape and color of the bowl are up to you You could have a lid or hand…that is up to you as well Craftsmanship is important…try to keep bowl even and yarn pulled tightly. Remember to count and try to pull through on the same number each time.
First think about your design…what do you want your bowl to look like…make some sketches. Second, choose your colors of yarn. You may want to get extra or buy your own…I can’t promise that the color you are using will be there the next day. 4 Art 2. classes are doing this project and 1 Art 3. class is using the yarn as well. You must get me to cut your yarn coil. I want to see your sketches first so I can get an idea about how much you will be needing. Example: Will you have a lid or handle on your bowl? You will be given a needle…everyone must return their needle at the end of the class.