KS1 Creative Curriculum Overview Spring 2014 Welcome back! We hope you have had a good break and are ready to embark on our new quest for We are about to set off on more travel adventures, this time exploring food and cultures from across the globe. Why food? JRR Tolkien (author of ‘The Hobbit’) once said “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” It is true that food and song are a central part of many cultures, many of which we will explore during this term. Our quest is entitled ‘World Kitchen’ and will encapsulate a wide range of curriculum subjects and allow for the development of crucial key skills ending with the children creating their own food tasting market. This enterprise opportunity will consolidate the children’s new understanding and give them a chance to celebrate their learning with each other and the wider school community. The quest will culminate in a ‘World Kitchen Market’, at which we hope you will all attend. Throughout all our topics we aim to: Create challenging learning opportunities across all areas of the curriculum Encourage children’s natural curiosity about the world, and show an interest in geographical communities. Provide opportunities for expression and creativity. Motivate through unique experiences. Embrace ‘learning without limits’ through dedicated child-led learning and risk-taking. How you can help our learning at home The most important thing you can do is talk. Talk while lunch and dinner are being prepared and perhaps share some cooking experiences at home. Discuss which food you like and why? Are there any places you would like to visit for a little taste of their cuisine? Where is the food you are eating from? As always we encourage children to ask lots of questions and try to find out the answers. Use the internet and visit the local library to find interesting facts which you can then share with your class. If you think you might have some suitable materials or café role play items that you would like to share with us, or if you have any skills, expertise or knowledge you would like to share please pop in and see your child’s class teacher. Our homework details have changed slightly in response to parent feedback and it will now be set on a Friday to be returned on the following Thursday. Key Dates and Events These are provisional dates which may change during the term; we will let you know of any changes closer to the time. Please do not hesitate to come and see your child’s teacher with any queries. Tuesday 7 h January = KS1’s new quest begins! Week beg. 13 th January = Visit to Swan Hotel Café. Thursday 16 th January = Ash and Willow swimming lessons starts. Friday 31 st January = Y1 hearing tests. January = KS1 trip to a distribution depot/supermarket. Thursday 13th February = KS1 Inspire Afternoon. Details to follow. Friday 14 th February = Last day of half term. Monday 24 th February = INSET DAY. March = KS1 trip to Puxton Park. Friday 7 th March = Wells CLP sports festival at the Blue school for Rowan Class all afternoon Friday 21 st March = Sport Relief Tuesday 25 th /26 th March= Parents Evenings 3.30pm – 6.30pm Thursday 27 th March = Ash and Willow final swimming lessons. Friday 28 th March = KS1 World Market event pm. Details to follow. Wednesday 2 nd April = Wells CLP Dance Festival for KS1 4pm – 7pm. Friday 4 th April = Easter bonnet 2.30pm. Friday 4 th April = Last day of term…Happy Easter!
Art and Music In Art lessons we will look at still life pictures using fruit. We will continue our weekly singing session with Kate Lynch exploring music from around the world. In class the songs and music children will be learning, will again explore timbre, tempo and dynamics. We will make links between the music studied and the countries of origin. R.E Food is an important part of many religious celebrations across the world. We will be learning about the significance of this within the different cultures being studied. We will also be discussing the significance of food within communities and daily lives. Design and Technology and ICT In D&T this term we are going to be focusing on the designing and making process that is required to produce a food product/packaging. Children will be required to understand the basic rules of food hygiene as they will be fully involved in making dishes from all over the globe. I.C.T will be incorporated into this topic area and children will use net books and other technology to enhance the design process. P.E Children will develop a range of gross and small motor skills within PE lessons through dance, multiskills and swimming. Please make sure your child has a PE kit in school at all times. Geography Our new topic provides an excellent platform for children to enquire about and explore the world around them. We will be starting in the UK and then visiting Spain, Italy, France, Poland, Thailand, India, USA, Ethiopia and Mexico. If you have any expertise or experiences of these countries we would love to hear from you! Literacy In Literacy we will continue to follow the Read Write Inc. programme and support children in developing their confidence with phonics, reading and writing. We will also use literacy within our topic lessons to ensure that all children are given wider, extended writing opportunities linked to our theme. Science We will be exploring food using our senses and discussing the importance of how our senses help us understand the world around us. We will develop our investigative skills through exploring what it would be like to be without one of our senses. Healthy living will also focus strongly within our learning as we explore how our bodies use the food we consume when we exercise. PSHCE During PSHCE we will be looking at keeping healthy and looking after ourselves. We will explore how we grow and change, and how important diet and exercise is to our health. Numeracy We will continue to practise our mental maths by completing daily maths challenges – Please see separate sheet for details. We look forward to sharing our learning with you each step of the way! KS1 Team