By: Ashley Brown LTEC
Can you tell me what it means to be different? How are you different from your friends? Why is it good to be different?
What are some physical characteristics that all people have in common? What are some characteristics that are different? Just like people are different, how are families different? Similar?
§ Social Studies, Kindergarten. (2.11) Culture. The student understands similarities and differences among people. The student is expected to: (A) identify personal attributes common to all people such as physical characteristics; and (B) identify differences among people. (2.15) Social studies skills. The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and use information acquired from a variety of sources including electronic technology. The student is expected to: (B) obtain information about a topic using a variety of visual sources such as pictures, symbols, television, maps, computer images, print material, and artifacts; (2.16) Social studies skills. The student communicates in oral and visual forms. The student is expected to: (A) express ideas orally based on knowledge and experiences
On a large piece of paper at the front of the room, the teacher will create two categories labeled “same” and “different”. Then, she/he will give an example of each (same= fingers, different= hair color). Next, the class will work together to fill each list. Next the teacher will hold a discussion about how people are similar and different, and how families are also. Students will be allowed some time to visit a couple websites to research different cultures. They will also be allowed to use a camera to take pictures of their differences/similarities (eyes, hands, feet, hair…) Students will be asked to bring 3 pictures each that show their families. (Pictures of parents, grandparents, siblings, pets, etc.) Also, they will be told to find 2 things that make their family unique (Examples: Where does your family come from? How many family members do you have? What is your families favorite kind of food to eat?) Students will arrange their pictures on a large piece of construction paper and decorate them. Their 2 unique traits will be glued in the middle of the paper. Each student will present their family to the class.
Texas Education Agency. (2001) Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. Retrieved from on 2/12/10.