The UNC Board of Governors and UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees AMST94, November 21, 2005 Nelson Schwab
The History of UNC and Governing Boards 1789 General Assembly charters UNC and establishes a Board of Trustees New constitution put UNC in the Public School System, with trustees selected by the State Board of Education UNC re-opens. General Assembly resumes oversight & trustee election Consolidated University UNC, NC College for Women (UNC-Greensboro) and NC State College of Agriculture & Engineering (NCSU) are joined under a single Board of Trustees Charlotte College joins the Consolidated University as UNC-Charlotte Asheville-Biltmore College (UNC-Asheville) & Wilmington College (UNC-Wilmington) added.
The History of UNC and Governing Boards 1971 Governor’s Study Committee on the Structure & Organization of Higher Education, & Special Session 1972 New UNC System created, with 10 institutions joining the 6 campuses. The General Assembly extends the authority of the governing board to all 16 institutions and renames it the Board of Governors. Board of Trustees established for UNC-Chapel Hill. “I am talking about starting all over. Scrambling a new batch of eggs.” Robert Scott, NC Governor,
Board of Governors Membership: 32 members chosen by the legislature. Limited to 4-year terms. No legislator or state officer or employee may serve. At least four members must be women, four must be of minority race, and four must be of the minority political party. Selected Powers and Duties: Govern the 16 institutions; responsible for the management and governance of their affairs. Set enrollment levels, tuition, fees for each institution. Fix compensation levels for administrators and tenured faculty. Prepare a single budget for all public senior higher education for presentation to the General Assembly that includes funds for continuing operations, salary increases, and funds without reference to particular institutions. Collect and disseminate data on the university system. Advise the Governor, the General Assembly, and other agencies on higher education generally. Elect UNC system president, his or her staff, and chancellors of the 16 campuses and tenured faculty.
The Board of Trustees shall promote the sound development of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill within the functions prescribed for it, helping it to serve the people of the State in a way that will complement the activities of the other institutions and aiding it to perform at a high level of excellence in every area of endeavor. The Board of Trustees shall serve as advisor to the Board of Governors on matters pertaining to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and shall also serve as advisor to the Chancellor concerning the management and development of the institution. Board of Trustees
Membership: Eight members elected by the Board of Governors and four appointed by the Governor, plus the student body president. Delegated Powers: Adopting personnel policies; Awarding degrees and honorary degrees; Preparing master plan for physical development of the institution; Handling admissions policies and resolving individual admissions questions Administering endowments and scholarships Determining the type and level of student services Regulating student conduct and organized student activities Supervising intercollegiate athletics Maintaining campus security Recommend to the system president at least two persons for the post of chancellor.
Looking Forward I.Chairman’s Priorities 1.Quality of education 2.Faculty retention 3.Research 4.Athletics 5.Funding model II.A New President Bowles Elected President of the University of North Carolina