Where Do our Cultures Ideas of Body Image Come From?
Body Image Everyone gets these ideas that being skinny is the only way to be happy. Why are we all so judgemental of others and ourselves?
First, let me ask you! For each of the 7 pictures: Write down the first 3 words that come to mind.
Three words each!
What Came To Mind For You?
Did you have any impressions about the health and happiness of these people?
Did you have any impression about the level of intelligence or success of each person?
Did you have any impressions about how attractive or unattractive they are?
What about the body size or shape of each person?
Were your first impressions of the women different from the men?
What about those of different color or race?
They may look happy and healthy/active, but many of you may have acknowledged their body size first. Did any of you NOT write about the size of these people?
“Body Image is portrayed everyday through the tv, magazines, and models” -Colleen “Body image is how you percieve yourself” –Mom “Body image is all over the tv, magazines, media, and the superstars” – Lauren “Not everything is what it looks like, half those pictures and movies out there are edited like crazy” - Kelly
Tv Body Image comes from many different things: Family Friends Culture
Toys Video Games Magazines Music/Videos
Body Image is everywhere we look. Its practically ingrained in us; most of us just take it for granted. This may lead us to judge others or even ourselves So why do we think this way?
If video doesn’t work, link can be found at end of presentation But its not all how it looks
There are many different body types: Theres so much more to it! Appl Apple Pear Hourglass Rectangle
Most models BMI meet the requirement for anorexia. As of 2012, models are 23% thinner than an average woman. Models over size 6 are considered plus size Models aren’t so innocent either
This is a plus size model
An average size women in America is size Comparison of an average woman to a model.
All this fake interpretation that is around us may make us feel bad about ourselves Things like these may lead us to believe that the only way to be happy is by being thin. Its not all what it seems
Learn to appreciate your body! We are all different for a reason! Appreciate!
"Body Image." Womenshealth.gov. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov "What Is Body Image? | National Eating Disorders Association." What Is Body Image? | National Eating Disorders Association. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov "Dove Ad: The Evolution of Beauty (Time-lapse)." YouTube. YouTube, 15 Oct Web. 29 Nov "USATODAY.com - Do Thin Models Warp Girls' Body Image?" USATODAY.com - Do Thin Models Warp Girls' Body Image? N.p., 26 Sept Web. 29 Nov "Healthy Body Image: Bigger Than Model Thin." - For Dummies. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec Wolf, Colleen, Lauren Volpe, Kelly Grindle, and Mary Wolf. "Body Image." Personal interview. 29 Nov Video link: Bibliography