The Global Teenager Participating schools : Messukylan lukio, Finland Moonjeong Middle School, Korea Daeduk High School, Korea College Paul Verlaine, France St Joseph’s Institution, Singapore
PROJECT OBJECTIVES Identify unique elements of local teenage lifestyle Create greater appreciation of culture from a teenager’s perspective Learn and experience the lifestyle of teenagers of various cultures
PROJECT OBJECTIVES Create greater cultural and social awareness Acknowledge global diversity Encourage creativity, leadership and entrepreneurship by developing a cultural and educational 5 day itinerary for exchange programme
METHODOLOGY Students identify unique lifestyle practices and events of local culture in the area of home, school, leisure They start a diary that is reflective in nature Diary will include video clips and pictures wherever possible
METHODOLOGY Participating members read, share, discuss, clarify and ask for further information based on info available on the web Platform for interaction includes BBS, video conferencing, webchat Analysis of interaction carried out
METHODOLOGY Based on analysis and with a given budget, students as hosts, develop & propose a 5 day cultural and educational itinerary Proposal of itinerary posted on web Actual or Virtual visit by participating members takes place
IMPLEMENTATION Finland: 10 students (16 yrs) Korea: 16 students (14 yrs) Singapore: 30 students (15 yrs) France: to be confirmed
IMPLEMENTATION Group Size : per group Each group assigned a different aspect of the topics Age group : years accounts, Images - jpeg format, Video & Chat - format to be confirmed
IMPLEMENTATION Oct’02: Homepage to be created by S’pore members Oct’02-Feb‘03: Local info to be posted on own school web page End Feb: School web pages and BBS to be linked to AEC project web page
IMPLEMENTATION From March: Exchange based on some teacher & some pupil directed topics April: Analysis of exchange and development of itinerary
IMPLEMENTATION May: Itinerary posted on web page June-July: Visit takes place Aug: Evaluation / Feedback Sept: Finalisation of Project