Congress Ch 11
Getting Into Congress Qualifications House Qualifications Senate Informal Qualifications Demographics
Organizing Congress Bicameral Parties (Conference/Caucus) Caucuses Committees
How to Vote Delegate Trustee Politico "Cue Givers"
Structure of the House Presiding Officers o Speaker o Speaker Pro Tempore "Power Players" o Speaker o Majority Leader o Majority Whip o Chair of Majority Caucus or Conference
Structure of the Senate Presiding Officers o President (Vice President of the US) o President Pro Tempore o Junior Members "Power Players" o Majority Leader o Assistant Majority Leader (Majority Whip) o Chair of Majority Conference
It's All About Committees Standing Special/Select/Ad Hoc Joint Conference Commitee Membership Committee Chair (Seniority Rule) Ranking Member Committee on Committees/Steering Committee Party Ratios
It's All About Committees - House RULES! Appropriations Ways and Means Armed Serviced Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union
It's All About Committees - Senate Appropriations Finance Judiciary Armed Services Foreign Relations
Legislative Process-House Introduction Committee SubCommittee Committee Rules Full House
Legislative Process - Senate Introduction Standing Committee SubCommittee Standing Committee (Unanimous Consent Agreement) Full Senate
Legislative Process Conference Committee Conf Committee Report Approval (House/Senate) Presidential Action Approve – Sign Approve - No Signature Veto “Pocket” Veto (Rare)
Powers of Congress - Legislative Make Law Veto Override Tax/Spend/Borrow Treaty (Treaties have the weight and effect of law in the US)
Powers of Congress - Executive Structure Executive Branch Control Executive Branch Budget Approve Executive Branch Appts (Senate) Impeach and Remove Executives Elective President/Vice President (If EC Fails) Legislative Oversight Legislative Veto
Powers of Congress - Diplomatic Ratify Treaties (Senate) Approve Diplomats Approve State Dept Appts (ie Sec of State) “Agreements” (ie NAFTA) Tax and Spend
Powers of Congress - Military Declare War "Authorization for the Use of Military Force" Control Military Budget Confirm Appointments to Defense Dept Confirm Military Officers Make Rules for Military Treaties Draft
Powers of Congress - Judicial Structure Judiciary Set Jurisdiction of Federal Courts Confirm Judges (Senate) Impeach and Remove Judges
Congress and the President Tense Relationship - by design Divided Government Power of the Veto Foreign Policy/Military Policy
Congress and the Bureaucracy Iron Triangle (Sub Government) Issue Networks Legislative Oversight Funding Legislative Veto
Congress and the Courts Confirmation dysfunction - "Borking" Occasional ideological antagonism (increasing) Senatorial Courtesy
Congress and the “Folks Back Home” Casework/Ombudsman Pork/Earmarks Getting Reelected Franking Privilege
Norms of Behavior Specialization Work Horse/Show Horse Reciprocity o Logrolling Apprenticeship - Not Any More Personal Courtesy - Not Any More