Randall G. Lynch Middle School Created by: Christy Westlin Lyndsay Douthit Sarah Schriver Intro to Education Dr. Regina Ryel
Introduction Our EAST project was to create an orientation video for Randall G. Lynch Middle school in Farmington, Arkansas. In the beginning Christy Westlin contacted Mrs. Odom, the principle at Randall G. Lynch, who asked us to create an orientation video. We began with a meeting between Sarah and Christy discussing ideas and setting a timeline for our project. Christy gathered the equipment needed for the video from Bedford Camera and Video and consulted with Amy Wolfe, who is an expert in this field.
Objectives To familiarize new students with Randall G. Lynch Middle School. To view the relationship of students and teachers in a school environment. To broaden our understanding of schools and what makes an effective school.
Community Aspects This video project assists the community by providing a video free of cost to the students and faculty of Randall G. Lynch Middle School Future students of RGLMS are allowed an inside look to their school before they begin
Description We became familiar with video technology and editing software when filming the orientation video and creating the final product for the Randall G. Lynch orientation video.
Process We began by interviewing school personnel and students. Took a tour through the school Recorded various locations beneficial to a new student ▫Office, library, cafeteria, gym, extracurricular activities, sports, music, art Took pictures to supplement the video and PowerPoint
Process After final footage was recorded we began the editing process.
Outcomes The school benefited by gaining a video for new students We were able to apply what we saw to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs We witnessed progressivist style teaching and saw that the students enjoyed learning
Glasser Our time spent at RGLMS revealed to us that a warm, supportive classroom environment is necessary in accordance with Glasser and the quality school.
Glasser’s Big Six Warm supportive environment Students should do meaningful work Students are asked to do the best they can Students evaluate and improve their own work Quality work is always good Quality work is never destructive Martin, David Jerner, and Kimberly S. Loomis. Building Teachers. United States: Thomson Wadsworth, 2007.
Progressivist Techniques We witnessed several progressive techniques in progress ▫Overhead and math cubes-rather than just sitting there, students worked hands on during math class ▫Social studies class outside using balls- students used balls as a way to review ▫Student ambassador – we were guided through the school by a student from RGLMS
Progessivism Pizza Project ▫Students learned about immigration and the influence of different cultures coming to the United States. Pizza was an example of what Italians brought with them.
Progressivism Science Fair ▫Students became actively engaged in science by working with partners and learning about subjects related to everyday life.
Future Projects Update the RGLMS orientation video Create videos for other schools in our area
Technology Used Digital Camera Handheld Video Camera, Sony Microsoft Movie Maker Microsoft Power DVD Bedford Camera and Video Support Microsoft Powerpoint, Publisher and Word
Acknowledgements Dr. Regina Ryel, Instructor Mrs. Odom, Principal, Randall G. Lynch Middle School Student Ambassador, Elizabeth Amy Wolfe, Video specialist, Bedford Video C. Dianne Phillips, EAST/EMPACTS Facilitator, NWACC Joey Schaefer, EMPACTS Tech Corp Student, NWACC Pat Kelly, Educational Technology, NWACC