Frank Manista, Jisc Jisc, APCs, and Jisc Monitor 18 June 2015
Background and context of Jisc’s work » The UK has pioneering OA policies implemented by the Funding and Research Councils, backed by UK Government and supported by institutions » For UK universities, policy compliance and management of OA presents new requirements and demands new ways of working » Meeting the requirements of the Funding Councils OA Policy and the next REF are of significant concern for Jisc’s customers » Jisc Monitor specifically has developed in response to these drivers and provides tools to support stakeholders Jisc, APCs and Jisc Monitor2
Additional Context to Jisc’s OA Efforts » Open Access in the UK › Finch Report and recommendations » Government /Research Councils UK (RCUK) mandate › » Research Information Network (RIN) report › as-published.pdf » Jisc OA Offer › A more coordinated effort among all the different Jisc OA activities including: –Total Cost of Ownership-- OA Good Practice –Sherpa/RoMEO/Juliet/FACT-- OpenAIRE –OpenDOAR-- Jisc Monitor –CORE-- Aspects of KB+ –IRUS-UK-- PASTEUR4OA –JUSP-- OA Monographs work Jisc, APCs and Jisc Monitor3
Negotiations with publishers: Jisc is working to ensure agreement that: » The publisher should provide Jisc with data (annually in retrospect) that would enable calculation of total cost of ownership (TCO), including Number of APCs paid Total of APC revenue from each licensee Above broken down by funder and institution Jisc, APCs and Jisc Monitor4
Negotiations with Publishers » The publisher should explore with Jisc and others how best to ensure that corresponding authors are aware: if a hybrid OA option is available to them of their institution’s participation in any offset scheme (such as discounted APC as a result of institution holding a current subscription) in time for this to inform their choice of whether to take up the OA option. Jisc, APCs and Jisc Monitor5
Negotiations with Publishers » Jisc is working closely with key stakeholders, including publishers to ensure that the correct licence is used (CC BY) in order to comply with funder mandates » Jisc has made a commitment in principle for Jisc Monitor to go ahead after its pilot phrase was completed at the end of May » Off-setting scheme and membership deals are part of the monitoring focus on Jisc’s OA projects Jisc, APCs and Jisc Monitor6
Publisher Off-Setting Schemes: » Jisc has funded a set of OA Good Practice Pathfinder Projects: › “Achieving increased compliance with open access policies: advocacy, processes and data interrogation” (UCL, Nottingham, and Newcastle) –Planning to look into the Springer off-setting deal in terms of how it affects issues of APC management as part of the ‘big deal’. › “Options for Administrative Efficiencies in OA Implementation” (Bath, Bristol, Exeter and Cardiff) –Producing a range of case studies that look at how off-setting deals are being embedded within HEIs; they are looking across the range of offsetting models and a range of HEIs based on level of research intensity. Due to come out in the autumn “Jisc has worked proactively with leading journal publishers to develop offsetting systems that will reduce OA publishing costs for HEIs. So far, each version has been different as it's not been a simple case of a standardised solution to suit all.” Liam Earney, Director, Jisc Collections Jisc, APCs and Jisc Monitor7
Jisc Monitor use cases 8 Standards development to enable efficient data exchange Monitoring all publication activity to ensure compliance with funder mandates Moni i toring publication activity to understand what has been published Monitoring spend Jisc, APCs and Jisc Monitor
Understanding the challenges in managing OA: Jisc Monitor » Extensive requirements gathering process documented at: » The catalogue contains over 200 individual requirements corresponding to use cases » Input from over 60 UK institutions » Has a UK emphasis but reflects global issues and the importance of establishing global standards and practices across the publishing chain Jisc, APCs and Jisc Monitor9
Jisc Monitor Requirements Catalogue: » The requirements are derived from a range of sources: › Jisc APC Pilot findings (2013) › Jisc Open Access Good Practice projects › Contracted requirements for the Jisc Monitor project › InformationPower work on the Total Cost of Ownership › Institutional workshops held by Monitor, by ARMA, and at the Repository Fringe › Workshops held by Jisc with funders, publishers and other supply chain actors › Monitor dialogue with HEIs who have developed software in this field including Imperial and University College London Jisc, APCs and Jisc Monitor10
Jisc Monitor Requirements Catalogue Priority List for APCs: 1 st : APC cost broken down by chargeable amount 1 st : Know the status of APC transactions post-acceptable (AAM) 2 nd : The need to know that paying an APC will result in the correct CC licence 2 nd : Coordinate discounts with APC payments in publisher membership schemes 2 nd : National leverage based on spend per institution, per publisher, per funder 3 rd : Notification of inclusion in other institutions’ APCs 3 rd : Track double-dipping, e.g. APC and subscribed access fee 3 rd : Calculate Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), including admin costs Jisc, APCs and Jisc Monitor11
Approach and outcomes » Explore the OA space, understand and document the challenges, evaluate existing services and data sources and their ability to address defined problems, and then suggest appropriate solutions » Monitor exists within an evolving OA ecosystem » Expected outcomes of the project included: › Prototype services, tested and developed through an ongoing and robust evaluation and assessment process › Recommendations for complementary services, supply chain partners, funders and regarding data sources › Best practice guidelines › Building and empowering communities of interest Two intrinsic developments which have the potential for an international implication: » Jisc Monitor APC Aggregator » Monitor Local Jisc, APCs and Jisc Monitor12
Monitor Local: managing and monitoring OA Monitor Local Screencast Monitor Local Screencast The system is intended to help an institution: Support the collection of all necessary information related to the publication of open access Academic Outputs within the institution; Ensure funding for article processing charges (APCs) is used appropriately; Ensure appropriate decisions are made on Gold or Green open access publication for any particular Academic Output; Enable reporting internally and externally on open access publication including reporting on the use of funds to support such publication. 13 Core requirements: Centred around the output (proposed journal article, book chapter, etc.) Driven by the available data Based around small tasks rather than complex workflows Able to capture data from other systems, whether internal or external to a particular institution Designed to enable manual data entry quickly and accurately Able to produce a wide variety of reports on demand Configurable at an institutional level to support institution specific requirements Jisc, APCs and Jisc Monitor
Monitor UK: data aggregation Monitor APC Aggregator Screencast Monitor APC Aggregator Screencast » A prototype shared software application that aggregates and presents data analytics » Enables institutions to share and learn from cost and compliance data relating to their Open Access publications by the ‘Gold’ route » Provides new and convenient ways to access and use the data and a level of business intelligence not otherwise available » Benefits for institutions, Jisc, funders, global OA community Jisc, APCs and Jisc Monitor14
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Value of Monitor tools » Support universities in meeting open access policy and compliance requirements of Research Councils and Funders more efficiently and cost effectively through collaborative ways of working » Time savings › recognition that OA management & monitoring challenges HEI in different ways › efficiencies in response to high volumes of academic outputs › automated support for onerous tasks, where administrators have less familiarity or need more support » Cost savings › access to comparable data for benchmarking › data to manage cost, assess value and support price negotiations at local and national levels » Collaboration › engagement with HEI, funders, publishers, supply chain vendors › interaction with OA systems and services › engagement with international initiatives such as SHARE Jisc, APCs and Jisc Monitor19
Value to wider OA community » Monitor tools have a UK emphasis but reflect global concerns » Designed and prototyped Open Source software to indicate how institutions (and the broader supply chain) might support and track Open Access publication processes, especially with reference to compliance and costs Providing evidence to support creation of a well-functioning, transparent market for APCs » Provides a model of effective engagement and collaboration in order to support and advance OA Jisc, APCs and Jisc Monitor20
More information » Jisc Monitor blog: › » Jisc Monitor website › » Jisc Monitor Local system specification › onasystemspecificationforblog.pdf onasystemspecificationforblog.pdf » Jisc Monitor UK aggregation prototype › Jisc, APCs and Jisc Monitor21
Contact: Frank 22Jisc, APCs and Jisc Monitor
Questions for the Groups: 1.What are the key issues and challenges? 2.What issues can be tackled most effectively at an international level? 3.How can we collaborate more effectively? 4.What is currently being monitored or measured at national and international levels? What isn’t being measured that would offer value? 5.What national and international groups are concerned with monitoring APCs? How can these groups and information be harnessed most effectively? 6.Is there anything else you were expecting? 23Jisc, APCs and Jisc Monitor