Kerry Levett, Ed. D. Executive Dean Student Affairs Lane Community College CSSA Summer Institute, 2015
Sign your name 5 times on a sheet of paper Now switch hands… Imagine doing that all day long…
The Gallup Organization spent 3 decades studying talent and success and identified more than 400 different themes of talent. StrengthsQuest paradigm operates from a position “strengths” not “weakness fixing” StrengthsQuest focuses on and measures the 34 themes found to be most prevalent in individuals considered to be the “best of the best”.
For respondents taking multiple administrations (within a 6 month interval) 80% had EXACTLY the same 5 themes, 95% had 4 of 5 themes the same. Differences between demographic groups average under.04 – (4 hundredths of a point) at the worldwide theme level.
Talent (non-teachable): A naturally recurring pattern of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied. Theme (non-teachable): Found in StrengthsQuest. A cluster or group of talents. Knowledge (teachable): Knowledge is simply “what you are aware of.” Skills (teachable): The capacity to perform the fundamental steps of an activity. Strength (non-teachable): The ability to provide consistent, near-perfect performance in a given activity. Strength = Talent + Knowledge + Skill
As you develop and use strengths, achievements will naturally follow There is a HIGH level of EXCELLENCE – going from average to excellent not poor to average Top Achievers invent ways to use their strengths… (and ways to avoid weaknesses)
Select one of the 34 different themes. Be prepared to give a benefit of having that theme or an example of where you have used that theme.
OUR GREAT WALL OF TALENT Directions One 5 separate cards, write your name and one of signature themes. On the back, write adjectives you use to describe yourself and the theme. Work together to locate common themes on a piece of paper and hang them around the room. Reflect on our Great Wall of Talent
How will your strengths benefit you in your current situation? How will you apply those strengths in your challenge meetings?
Find a partner – someone you do not know very well. Practice scenario: You are applying for a new position and your interview committee (your partner) asks you to share your strengths. Apply what you have been learning and thinking to answer the question. What do you remember from our first session?
Learning Outcome: Work effectively by partnering with others with complementary themes of talent. Activity Purpose: Use the questions below to help you enhance your level of understanding of the people around you and to identify ways that you can leverage a complementary partnership. Directions: Find two people and ask them the following questions. The first person should be someone who has at least one Signature Theme in common with you. The second person should be someone who has no Signature Themes in common with you.
What are your five Signature Themes? What themes do we have that are the same? What themes do we have that are similar? What themes do we have that are very different? If we needed to work together, how would we help each other achieve our goal? What thing would each of us be best at, and how could we best collaborate? How would we approach things differently? How would knowing each other’s talents and strengths help us have a better relationship?
BUILDING YOUR TEAM In your same group, imagine you are the leads for one of the projects listed below. You have the chance to hand select your team members. As leads, think about building your team from strengths: what strengths might compliment your strengths and get land the project ? why? Projects (pick one): Revising an existing first year experience program Developing a sexual violence prevention program for men Restructuring your unit Improving placement test scores Planning next year’s professional development program for the entire college
BARRIERS THAT BLOCK STRENGTHS ThemeBarrier LabelRe-imaging as Strength A Communication1. BossyIs an optimistic, uplifting presence who finds the positive aspects in any situation. B Positivity2. PushoverIs confident and a powerful advocate on behalf of others. C Achiever3. WorkaholicInvites the differing views of others and finds common ground. D Command4. UnrealisticIs an exceptional producer who inspires others by setting high expectations. E Harmony5. ChatterboxBrings new ideas to life by telling stories that are energizing and vivid.
Jot down some problems you face at work, home or in your community. How can you leverage your strengths to make to difference?