Factors that contribute to effective research in an engineering department Gavin van Winsen, Jan-Harm C Pretorius, Leon Pretorius
2 Background Rand Afrikaans University – Engineering 1980 before - Science Faculty 1993 – 1997; 507 research papers, 92 master’s degrees and 31 doctoral degrees From 1980 to 2004, the Engineering Faculty awarded a total of 420 master’s and 85 doctoral degrees Electrical and Electronic Department (1990 to 2002) 8 – 10 full-time lecturers 693 research publications were published 80 publications were published in IEEE journals
3 The aim of this article To explore those factors that help improve employee performance in a research-type organization More specifically, the end goal is to apply known attributes that lead to successful research and a survey The survey is used to obtain the current status and the importance of these attributes in an engineering department from a research personnel member’s opinion.
4 Fourth Generation Research and Development Fourth generation R&D explanation Evolution from third generation R&D practice Tacit and explicit knowledge Continuous and discontinuous innovation
5 Assessing the effectiveness of a research- type department Information quality can be measured according to the following broad dimensions: Intrinsic Quality: quality in its own right the extent to which data values are in conformance with true or actual values Contextual Quality: quality within context the extent to which data is relevant, applicable or pertinent to the task of the user Representational Quality: clear presentation the extent to which data is presented in an intelligible and clear manner Accessibility Quality: quality of access the extent to which data is available or obtainable
6 Best return on investment for university- based research The following is deemed important Support based on the quality of ideas and performance Continuity of support A good understanding by sponsors of how science and technology work Minimal bureaucratic responsibility and paperwork Full coverage of the real and appropriate cost of research Recognition of the dual role of research and education A sense of accountability on the part of the investigator Flexibility to "change course" when appropriate
7 Case study – DOE (US)
8 Results of a survey RAU Representation of the quantitative findings, displaying the current status, and the importance of, and need for, improvement.
9 The following attributes are highlighted as being below average with regard to current status Quality of colleagues Rewards for merit Competitive salaries and benefits Adequate time to do research and stay current Effective external reviews Efficient laboratory services Integrated and relevant R&D portfolio Good projection planning and execution Appropriateness of laboratory’s measure of success
10 The following attributes are highlighted as being good with regard to current status Autonomy in scientific management
11 Results Cont The following attribute is highlighted as being essential for improvement – that is, its current status is below average and it is considered of very high importance, namely: Quality of colleagues Adequate time to do research and stay current
12 Statistical analysis Regarding participant trends, it was found that there was a close correlation, except for two instances, between a participant’s rating for each attribute’s current status and that attribute’s importance It was found that if participants gave (for example) an average rating for a question, they would probably give a rating of high importance for that question
13 Statistical analysis (Regarding the means for each attribute) Attribute 36 (Appropriateness of laboratory’s measures of success) has the lowest value with regard to current status Attribute 12 (Autonomy in scientific management) has the highest value with regard to current status Attribute 17 (Effective external reviews) has the lowest value with regard to importance Attribute 2 (Quality of colleagues) has the highest value with regard to importance
14 Statistical analysis (Regarding the variance obtained ) The opinion distribution was least spread out for attribute 2 (Quality of colleagues), with respect to current status and importance There appears to be the greatest opinion distribution spread for attribute 33 (Strong foundation of basic research) with respect to current status and attribute 17 (Effective external reviews) with respect to importance
Research – NB It is seen as important for good research to have time to stay current in one’s chosen research field To encourage interaction between and among different disciplines (Labs for Electrical / Electrical / Mechanical) These two things will not happen if no investment in terms of time and financial resources are set aside for them to happen Conclusion