Goal #3 Curriculum & Instruction Team
Presented by: Dr. Tammy Heflebower, Director of Curriculum & Instruction Dan McMinimee, Director of Schools Glen March, Coordinator of Career & Technical Education Susan Kayler-Daley, Coordinator School-to-Career Kim Kuster, Dean of College Outreach Arapahoe Community College
Goal #3 Goal #3 Ensure the acquisition of a core body of knowledge (essential learnings in all contents areas for all grade levels and courses,) exposure to the fine arts and exploration beyond the liberal arts through a continuum of services and choice programming. Shape our students, the leaders of tomorrow, by developing them as responsible citizens who demonstrate critical thinking and ethical behavior. (SubEnds 1.1 and 1.6) Close achievement gaps for subpopulations of students who are not proficient in acquiring the essential skills of reading, writing and mathematics by achieving a year or more growth. (SubEnd 1.7 Provide access for all students to a liberal arts education to ensure the acquisition of a core body of knowledge, exposure to the fine arts and exploration beyond the liberal arts through a continuum of services and choice programming. (SubEnds and 1.10)
Key Initiatives
Introduction Career & Technical Education Post Secondary Options School to Career Career Development Department
State Legislation Colorado Achievement Plan for Kids (CAP4K) – Sweeping redesign of the P20 system – Alignment of pre-school, K-12 and postsecondary & workforce readiness – All children prepared for post secondary education Requirements: –Program of study that will prepare students to demonstrate postsecondary & workforce readiness –Postsecondary planning skills and application of those skills –Adopt multiple curricula that prepares students for differing post-graduation goals –Earn postsecondary or career and technical education course credits while enrolled in high school
Federal Legislation Carl D. Perkins Career & Technical Education Act of 2006 – Each state writes a plan for implementation – Seamless transition between secondary and postsecondary education – A system of lifelong learning guided by career goals Requirements –Dual preparation for both post secondary education and employment –Increased emphasis on attainment of technical skills leading to a certificate or degree –Belief that every student should be on a path that leads to career success –To help students create a path by using an organization tool – Career Clusters Model
Alignment Programs or Plans of Study for Students – Identify pathways that will lead to career success – Plan high school and post secondary coursework – Identify coherent and seamless sequence of instruction – Includes both academic and technical coursework Post Secondary Planning Skills – Educational and Career Planning (ECP), grades 7-12 – Essential learnings finalized – Middle School: Attend career days, conduct research – High School: Use assessments, Identify and update future plans
Alignment Earn post secondary or career and technical credit while enrolled in high school – Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) Attend class on college campuses Student enrollment, 1 st semester only: 64 Cost to student/parent: College fees only Cost to district: $15, (192 $81.00per credit)
College Ready College Ready program Partnership with Arapahoe Community College Leadership/collaboration, cutting edge of higher ed. agreements, initial partnership created state model Attend class on high school campus during school day Student enrollments, 1 st and 2 nd semester: 198 Cost to student: $10.75 per semester for up to two courses + textbook Saving to students: $7, (College fees) Savings to district: $50, (620 $81.00 per credit)
Expanded locations and offerings Example: Introduction to Business – currently two high schools offering one section each – seven high schools indicate interest in offering that course Connecting college ready to CTE programming
Cost Savings Using high school facility Using high school staff that meet ACC faculty qualifications Every student applies for College Opportunity Fund (COF)
Student Access & Success Students take the Accuplacer and/or present ACT or SAT scores for application. Pre-requisite scores on Accuplacer assist in correct placement into specific courses. Allows students the opportunity to self-select and decide what is best for him/her. Scheduling courses at the high school campus allows opportunity for them and other students at other schools. Encourages students to self-advocate. higher Creates a seamless transition into higher education.
DCSD Alignment Adopt Multiple Curricula (Bond 2006) – Tech Center at Legend H.S. ( ) Expert Technician Academy (WIRED Grant) – Electronics Telecommunications Pathway – Computer Technician Network Systems Pathway – Oracle Academy Info. Support & Services Pathway – Tech Center at Legend H.S. ( additional programs) – Health Science Technology Therapeutic Services Pathway – Criminal Justice Law Enforcement Services – Video Production Audio, Video Technology & Film
Alignment Adopt Multiple Curricula (Bond 2006) – Tech Center at Rock Canyon H.S. ( ) Cosmetology Personal Care Services Pathway Multi Media Audio, Video Tech. Film Pathway Pre-Engineering STEM Pathway Construction Technology Construction Pathway Business Administration Administrative Services Pathway
Student Guide to Tech Center & Specialized Career Programs Designed to highlight CTE Programming offered to students both in and outside of district Designed to highlight CTE Programming offered to students both in and outside of district Does not include exploratory school-based programs (business, marketing, family & consumer sciences, etc.) Does not include exploratory school-based programs (business, marketing, family & consumer sciences, etc.) To be used as a marketing tool beginning December 2008 To be used as a marketing tool beginning December 2008
Thank you! Burt Glandon Arapahoe Community College, President David Shellberg Arapahoe Community College, Vice President Diane Hegeman Arapahoe Community College, Vice President of Instruction Kim Kuster Arapahoe Community College, Dean of College Outreach Camelia Moschetti Arapahoe Community College, Pathways Coordinator John Hamilton Arapahoe Community College, Pathways Coordinator Jim Christensen Douglas County School District, Superintendent Tammy Heflebower Douglas County School District, Director of C&I Dan McMinimee Douglas County School District, Director of Schools Glen March Douglas County School District, Coordinator of Career & Tech Ed Susan Kayler-Daley Douglas County School District, Coordinator of School to Career Susan Meek Douglas County School District, Coordinator of Expert Technician Academy