Forces & Transfer of Weight. Force Newtons 3 rd Law -For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction When force is applied in one direction then.


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Presentation transcript:

Forces & Transfer of Weight

Force Newtons 3 rd Law -For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction When force is applied in one direction then movement usually takes place in the opposite direction. The swimmer applies force into the wall but moves it the opposite direction Force Applied ← Action/ Movement →

Rowing Force Applied ← Action/ Movement → When rowing the rowers apply force against the water in the direction they are facing to make the boat move backwards

Trampolining Action/ Movement ↑ Force Applied ↓ The Trampolinist applies force into the trampoline bed which causes her to go up the way

Transfer of Weight Golf Performers use a transfer of weight to move an object with force to gain distance or to get more power into an action To strike the ball the golfer brings his weight onto the back foot and as he starts to swing the club forward, his weight is transferred onto his front foot

Tennis To get power into a serve in tennis the player has his weight on the back foot and transfers it forward onto his front foot during the action

Cartwheel To perform a cartwheel there are many transfers of weight. This performer starts with his weight on his left foot, his weight transfers forward to his right, he then leans forward and transfers his weight onto his right hand then left hand the his weight is transferred back onto his left foot then finally his right

Badminton In Badminton a lot of shots require a transfer of weight. Here the player has the weight on her back foot and transfers it forward onto the front foot during the over head clear.

Levers What do we use to apply forces? Levers What kinds of levers are there? Long Short

Long Levers How can levers be used in sport? Why is the driver the longest club in the a golfers bag? The Golf club acts as a lever. The longer the lever, the faster the speed will be at its end. The Golfer wants to hit his drive as far as possible. By using the longest club, more speed will be generated than if a shorter club was used. The greater the speed of the club head the farther the ball will travel.

Golf Long Levers

Name 3 other activities where long levers play a part. Tennis - A tennis player uses a racket and plays with a straight arm to serve the ball fast. Winning the point or forcing a poor return.

Athletics Hammer throwing- A hammer thrower is able to throw a heavy weight a long distance because the wire increases both the length of the lever and the speed of the hammer at the moment of release.

Gymnastics Gymnastics - The Gymnast keeps his legs straight during the hand spring to get more power.

Short Levers You use short levers to gain more control over a shot. Table tennis- You need quick movements and accurate shots. You need to react quickly. You can gain greater control through a short swing and through being quite close to the ball. Golf- When playing a chip shot you use a short club and get yourself close to the ball.