Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile School of Engineering Department of Computer Science A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets Nicolás Javier Pizarro de la Fuente Thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering Advisor: Marcos Sepúlveda Fernández, Ph.D.
Agenda General context Problems with existing methods Proposals Implementation Algorithm evaluation Conclusions and future work 2 A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets
Agenda General context Problems with existing methods Proposals Implementation Algorithm evaluation Conclusions and future work 3 A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets
What is Process Mining? A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 4 Business Intelligence Data Science Data Mining Process Mining Business Process Management
Event logs: A process binnacle Process operational information – Case number – Activities – Resources – Execution times Who made what, when and for which case? A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 5
Event logs: A process binnacle A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 6 InstanceActivityTimestampResource 001Register vehicle :43:22Nicolás 001Generate invoice :10:15Jorge 002Register vehicle :12:42Marcos 001Generate payment :13:55Jorge 002Illumination test :20:36Nicolás 002Suspension test :25:59Jorge ………… 986Car delivery :57:37Marcos
Categories in Process Mining A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 7 Process Mining Process Discovery Conformance Checking Process Enhancement InputsOutputs
Categories in Process Mining A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 8 Process Enhancement Process Extension InputsOutputs Process Repair
Agenda General context Problems with existing methods Proposals Implementation Algorithm evaluation Conclusions and future work 9 A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets
Problems with existing methods Logs are usually biased – Noise – Incompleteness A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 10 Model behaviour Log behaviour Noise Incompleteness All behaviour
Problems with existing methods A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 11
Problems with existing methods Logs are usually biased – Noise – Incompleteness No “silver bullet algorithm” in Process Discovery – Different results – Different notations Strong context dependency A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 12
Problems with existing methods Development of repair techniques – Based on event logs Use of log information: Incompleteness – Based on reference models Requires the construction of a whole reference model Need of post-processing stages that correct the log incompleteness problem A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 13
Research hypothesis “Process models generated by discovery algorithms can be enhanced using the knowledge of a domain expert” A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 14
Agenda General context Problems with existing methods Proposals Implementation Algorithm evaluation Conclusions and future work 15 A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets
A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 16
Operators and feedback types A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 17 “These two activities occur simultaneously” “This activity occurs after this other activity” “These two activities are unrelated” Order relations Parallelism (||) Causality ( ) Indifference (#)
Dual-activity feedback enhancement A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 18 “Activities X and Y occur simultaneously” X || Y
Process Models: Causal nets A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 19
A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 20 Input (I)ActivityOutput (O) {∅}{∅} a{{b, c, d}} {{a}}b{{e}} {{a}}c{{h}} ……… {{e, c, g}}h{{i}, {j}} {{h}}i{{k}} {{h}}j{{k}} {{i}, {j}}k {∅}{∅}
Proposal: Running example A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 21
Proposal: Running example A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 22 a a b b e e f f g g c c h h d || f d d
Proposal: Running example A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 23 a a b b e e d d f f g g c c h h
A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 24
Proposal: SESEs A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 25
Proposal: Running example A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 26 a a b b e e f f g g c c h h d || (f, g) d d S
Proposal: Running example A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 27 a a b b e e S S c c h h d || S d d
Proposal: Running example A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 28 a a b b e e S S c c h h d d
Proposal: Running example A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 29 a a b b e e f f c c h h d d g g S
Proposal: SESEs y RPST A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 30
A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 31 dfg be chijk R ah RPST - Refined Process Structure Tree
A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 32
Recommendations Based on logs – Conformance checking – Frequent behavior Based on models – Deadlocks – Complexity A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 33
Alignments Log-based recommendations A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 34 Non-fitting traces Fitting traces
Conformance Checking: Alignments a, b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k a, d, f, b, g, e, h, j, k a, d, b, e, c, f, g, h, i,k A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 35
A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 36 Modelabcdfgehjk Logabcdfg>>hjk Modeladfbgechjk Logadfbge>>hjk Modeladbecfghik Logadbecfghik
Log-based recommendations A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 37 Non-fitting traces Fitting traces
Log-based recommendations A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 38 Modeladbecfghik Logadbecfghik
Model-based recommendations A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 39 Complexity
Model-based recommendations A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 40 Deadlocks
Agenda General context Problems with existing methods Proposals Implementation Algorithm evaluation Conclusions and future work 41 A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets
Implementation Developed on ProM – FeedbackRepair Plugin – Available for version 6.4 nighly builds Other libraries – jBPT - Business Process Technologies for Java A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 42
A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 43
A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 44
A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 45
Agenda General context Problems with existing methods Proposals Implementation Algorithm evaluation Conclusions and future work 46 A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets
Evaluation Methodology User evaluation – Two user types Analysts Reaserchers Algorithm performance – Application of techniques on large models A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 47
User evaluation A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 48
Algorithm performance 50 simulated operations of each type in real model c-net |A| = 113 y |D| = A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 49 OperationC-net modificationRPST calculation Causality ( )0,123,2 Parallelism (||)0,113,6 Indifference (#)0,113,1 SESE collapse0,153,4 Total0,113,5 Average execution time (s)
Agenda General context Problems with existing methods Proposals Implementation Algorithm evaluation Conclusions and future work 50 A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets
Conclusions Users agree on the usefulness of these tools and the validity of the methodology – Operators allows to include all kind of feedback – Subprocess collapsing is useful in this context Feasibility of incorporating multiple feedback operations in a few seconds A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 51
Future work New GUI Exhaustive SESE search methodology New operators New visualization libraries A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 52
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile School of Engineering Department of Computer Science A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets Nicolás Javier Pizarro de la Fuente Thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering Advisor: Marcos Sepúlveda Fernández, Ph.D.
ANNEXES A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 54
Causal nets C = (A, a i, a o, D, I, O) – A is a set of activities – a i and a o are the initial and final activities, respectively – D is the set of dependency relations – I and O are the input and output functions A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 55
Causal nets – I and O are functions such that: with A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 56
Petri nets v/s causal nets A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 57
Adoption levels: Gartner Hype Cycle for Emergent Technologies A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 58
Definitions: Causality ( ) Causality ( ) (1): “y tiene que estar en el output set de x, así como x tiene que estar en el input set de y” (2) y (3): “Ninguna otra actividad que contenga a y en su input o output set puede tener a x y viceversa” A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 59 (1) (2) (3)
Definitions: Parallelism (||) Parallelism ( ) (1) y (2): “Si y aparece en el input o output set de alguna actividad, también debe aparecer x y viceversa” (3) y (4): “y no aparece ni en el input ni en el output set de x y viceversa” A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 60 (1) (2) (3) (4)
Definitions: Indifference (#) Indifference ( ) (1): “Las actividades no son ni una causalidad de la otra, ni tampoco son paralelas” A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 61 (1)
Algorithms A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 62 Causality
A feedback-based framework for process enhancement of causal nets 63 Parallelism Indifference