integrated Regional Strategy the practicalities Tim Frenneaux Principal Integrated Strategy Manager Yorkshire Forward
A new goal & an open door Sustainable Economic Growth: “ Economic growth that can be sustained and is within environmental limits, but also enhances the environment and social welfare, and avoids greater extremes in future economic cycles”
A wide open door... Strong commitment to a collaborative approach Significant opportunities for proactive engagement 4 specific periods of consultation
Engaging through evidence Submit evidence in response to the Key Lines of Enquiry Join in the collation and assessment of evidence through a Workstream
Economy and Skills Quality of Life and Equalities Climate Change and Environmental Resources Housing and Regeneration Transport Spatial Planning Workstreams
Governance Structure
Council for the Protection of Rural England Churches Regional Commission Y&H Unionlearn NY Learning Consortium Y&H Transport Activists Roundtable Wakefield and District Housing Trust Zest Development Trust Y&H TUC Third Sector Board Members
Timetable: Early stages Stage 1: Project Planning and Key Lines of Enquiry August – October 2009 Stage 2: Initial evidence & outcomes October – December 2009 Stage 3: Further evidence and developing Policy Options January – July 2010 Stage 4: Consultation on Policy Options August – October 2010
Timetable: later stages Stage 5: Production of draft iRS November 2010 – January 2011 Stage 6: Statutory consultation on draft iRS February – May 2011 Stage 7: Examination in Public June – December 2011 Stage 8: Regional refinement & finalisation of iRS January – October 2012
Any questions? Tim Frenneaux Principal Integrated Strategy Manager Yorkshire Forward