Task One – Data Collection Has an Ipod TOTALS YesNo Has been to the South Island Yes No TOTALS
What is the probability that… A student has an Ipod? A student has been to the SI? A student does not have an Ipod? A student has not been to SI? A student has an Ipod and has been to the SI? A student has an Ipod or has been to SI A student does not have an Ipod or has not been to the SI?
Same same but different?? If we know they have an Ipod, what is the probability they have been to South Island? If we know they have been to the South Island what is the probability they have an Ipod?
Task Two Blonde TOTALS YesNo Hours watching TV last night Less than 1 hrs 1 – 2 hours More than 2 hours TOTALS
What is the probability that… A student is blonde? A student spent less than 2 hours watching TV last night? A student is blonde and spent more than 2 hours watching TV last night? A blonde student spent less than 2 hours watching TV last night? A student who was watching TV for more than 2 hours last night is blonde?
Task Three Did Homework TOTALS YesNo Has correct equipment for class All No Book No calculator No book or calculator TOTALS
Questions? Write your own set of at least 5 questions you could answer using the previous two-way table.
Fill in the gaps Sex TOTALS MaleFemale Eat breakfast on a regular basis Yes No 165 TOTALS
Questions A female student chosen at random has breakfast regularly? A male student chosen at random does not have breakfast regularly? A student has breakfast regularly? A student who has breakfast regularly is female? A student who does not have breakfast regularly is male? A student selected at random is female.
Medical diagnosis A patient has a test to see if they have or do not have a particular disease The test gives a result – either positive or negative
Two Way Table for testing Test Result PositiveNegative Actual Status Positive Negative False Negative False Positive Correct
Definitions False Positive A healthy person is told they have the disease False Negative A person with the disease is told they don’t have it
Further definitions Sensitivity Probability that a person who has the disease gets a positive result Closer it is to 1 the better the test is at determining if a person has the disease Specificity Probability that a person who does not have the disease gets negative result Closer it is to 1 the better the test is at determining if a person does not have the disease
Real Life example 1 – Lead Levels Test Result TOTALS PositiveNegative Actual Status Positive Negative TOTALS False Negative = False Positive = Sensitivity = Specificity =
Questions Calculate the probability of a false positive Calculate the probability of a false negative Calculate the specificity and sensitivity of this test How effective is this test?
Example 2 Test Result TOTALS Has Disease Healthy Actual Status Has Disease 3928 Healthy TOTALS
Questions Calculate the probability of a false positive Calculate the probability of a false negative Calculate the specificity and sensitivity of this test How effective is this test?
Real Life example 3 – HIV Testing Test Result TOTALS PositiveNegative Actual Status Positive 3982 Negative TOTALS
Questions Calculate the probability of a false positive Calculate the probability of a false negative Calculate the specificity and sensitivity of this test How effective is this test?
Design your own 2 way table with three options per side TOTALS Write 5 probability questions to go with your table
Thinking flexibly What other contexts do you think two way tables would be useful in?