Department of Professional & Staff Development Career Tech and Special Education Integrating Audio with 21st Century Skills Presented by: Barry Starlin Britt Presentation posted at
The Network Founded by District Media and Technology Specialists Educators Music Video Film/TV Web Technology Internet Industry Professionals Copyright Attorneys Internet Security Compliance Professional Development for Media and Technology 2
Copyright for 21 st Century Citizenship 5
Professional Development for Media and Technology 6 StudentsCreatorsTeachers Copyright Holders
Professional Development for Media and Technology 7
Compliance Overview of Software Recources 8
Professional Development for Media and Technology 9
Professional Development for Media and Technology 11
What about FREE MUSIC? 12
Free? Really? Read the fine print. Conditions to qualify 2(a) Subject to your full compliance with the terms of this paragraph 2 (a) and full execution of a ___ license, ___grants free master recording and synchronization rights, to the entire ____ Music Library, excluding Sound Effects, when ___ music is used in program content, which is included in and limited to a U.S. broadcast on any National U.S. TV Network or Cable Broadcast, as well as later rebroadcasts of the same within the U.S. The TV Network or Cable Channel must hold a current valid ASCAP, BMI and SESAC annual.Blanket. license (as more fully described below). (This free use EXCLUDES local-only TV, regional-only TV, public and community access TV, closed circuit TV, web broadcasts, advertising commercials or promos, infomercials, radio broadcast use, and any TV broadcast outside the U.S. These uses require a paid ____ sync and master license.) The ASCAP, BMI or SESAC license must be a current "Blanket License. to qualify for free master recording and synchronization rights. For the purposes of this agreement, a blanket license (.Blanket License.) shall be defined in the same terms and conditions that are required by the performing rights societies in the United States. These licenses include a general license from a particular performing right society which allows a broadcaster the right to use the society.s entire catalog and obligates that broadcaster to pay fees and file cue for its programming. For the purposes of this agreement, blanket licenses shall not include so called.interim. licenses or other conditional licenses. Complete show music cue sheets must be timely filed in accordance with the terms and conditions of ASCAP/BMI/SESAC´s license agreement for any ___ music used in broadcast programming content under FPM's Terms Of Use. In the event such license agreement does not require the filing of cue sheets on a regular basis, cue sheets must be filed on no less than a calendar-quarterly basis. Simultaneous copies of all music cue sheets containing any FPM Music must be sent to FPM either via e mail or by fax ___in order for you to qualify for free synchronization of ___ music. Failure to either file the cue sheets or to simultaneously send copies of such cue sheets to ____ shall void this agreement. Such termination shall render the use of the FPM music actionable as acts of infringement under and subject to the remedies provided in the Copyright Act. Professional Development for Media and Technology 13
What about Creative Commons? 14
15 Multiple Licensing Scenarios
Professional Development for Media and Technology 16
17 Professional Development for Media and Technology
5. Rights of Licensee: This Agreement is for Worldwide Master and Composition uses solely for use in education: Licensee may use the Masters, Compositions and Materials solely for school-related or school-supported activities and functions, including school fundraisers, within the school community including, but not limited to, the following: xxxxxx Date 12/11/2009 Licensor for the SOUNDZABOUND TM Music Library Professional Development for Media and Technology 18
Professional Development for Media and Technology 19
Professional Development for Media and Technology 20
sports Search Functionality
Downloadable MP3 Audio
Insert into Audacity for Podcasting
Windows Movie Maker
Professional Development for Media and Technology 28
Copyright for 21 st Century Citizenship 29