Digital Photography DeCal EECS98 Nathan Yan
Exposure “Stops” StopsExposureShutter speedApertureISO sensitivity -41/16x1/1600sf/22ISO50 -31/8x1/800sf/16ISO /4x1/400sf/11ISO200 1/2x1/200sf/8.0ISO400 01x1/100sf/5.6ISO x1/50sf/4.0ISO x1/25sf/2.8ISO x1/12sf/2.0ISO x1/6sf/1.4ISO12800
Determining Exposure Manual exposure – "zone system", guess and check, histogram Auto exposure – tries to achieve an overall "middle grey" brightness Issues Built-in meters only see reflected light, instead of incident light Reflected light depends on reflectivity of surface, not just the amount of light Dark and bright objects can "fool" the camera's light meter
Solutions Exposure compensation: correcting metering errors by biasing metered value Metering modes: Evaluative/Matrix: analyzes entire scene Center-weighted: analyzes entire scene, with bias toward center Partial/Spot: only analyzes small center of the image
Shorter Longer Darker Brighter Smaller Larger Less sensitivity More sensitive 1/400s1/20s f/8f/2.8 ISO1600ISO100 SharperBlurrier More in focus Less in focus NoisierClearer
Program Modes ModeApertureShutter speedISOExposure Program (P)Auto Auto/ManualAuto Shutter Priority (S,Tv)AutoManualAuto/ManualAuto Aperture Priority (A,Av)ManualAutoAuto/ManualAuto Manual Which parameters do you want to control? Which parameters is it OK to let the camera decide? Thought experiment:
ModeApertureShutter speedISOExposure Program (P)Auto Auto/ManualAuto Shutter Priority (S,Tv)AutoManualAuto/ManualAuto Aperture Priority (A,Av)ManualAutoAuto/ManualAuto Manual Thought experiment: Sports in daylight
ModeApertureShutter speedISO Shutter Priority (S,Tv)f/2.81/500sISO400 Aperture Priority (A,Av)f/2.81/500sISO400 ModeApertureShutter speedISO Shutter Priority (S,Tv)ISO400 Aperture Priority (A,Av)ISO400 ModeApertureShutter speedISO Shutter Priority (S,Tv)1/500sISO400 Aperture Priority (A,Av)ISO400 ModeApertureShutter speedISO Shutter Priority (S,Tv)f/5.61/500sISO400 Aperture Priority (A,Av)ISO400 ModeApertureShutter speedISO Shutter Priority (S,Tv)f/5.61/500sISO400 Aperture Priority (A,Av)f/2.8ISO400 ModeApertureShutter speedISO Shutter Priority (S,Tv)f/5.61/500sISO400 Aperture Priority (A,Av)f/2.81/2000sISO400 Shade Daylight +2EV
ModeApertureShutter speedISO Shutter Priority (S,Tv)f/2.81/500sISO100 Aperture Priority (A,Av)f/2.81/500sISO100 Daylight Shade -2EV ModeApertureShutter speedISO Shutter Priority (S,Tv)ISO100 Aperture Priority (A,Av)ISO100 ModeApertureShutter speedISO Shutter Priority (S,Tv)1/500sISO100 Aperture Priority (A,Av)ISO100 ModeApertureShutter speedISO Shutter Priority (S,Tv)f/2.81/500sISO100 Aperture Priority (A,Av)ISO100 ModeApertureShutter speedISO Shutter Priority (S,Tv)f/2.81/500sISO100 Aperture Priority (A,Av)f/2.8ISO100 ModeApertureShutter speedISO Shutter Priority (S,Tv)f/2.81/500sISO100 Aperture Priority (A,Av)f/2.81/125sISO100 ModeApertureShutter speedISO Shutter Priority (S,Tv)f/2.81/500sISO100 Aperture Priority (A,Av)f/2.81/500sISO400 ModeApertureShutter speedISO Shutter Priority (S,Tv)f/2.81/500sISO100 Aperture Priority (A,Av)f/2.81/2000sISO400 ModeApertureShutter speedISO Shutter Priority (S,Tv)f/2.81/500sISO100 Aperture Priority (A,Av)f/2.81/125sISO400 ModeApertureShutter speedISO Shutter Priority (S,Tv)f/2.81/500sISO100 Aperture Priority (A,Av)f/2.81/500sISO400
ModeApertureShutter speedISOExposure Program (P)Auto Auto/ManualAuto Shutter Priority (S,Tv)AutoManualAuto/ManualAuto Aperture Priority (A,Av)ManualAutoAuto/ManualAuto Manual Thought experiment: Indoor sports