LEO meters Ocean models predicted currents and temperatures to direct ship and aircraft observations during LEO field program (Rutgers-LEO)


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Presentation transcript:

LEO meters Ocean models predicted currents and temperatures to direct ship and aircraft observations during LEO field program (Rutgers-LEO)

Models predict cold water upwelling during southwest winds Warm water moves onshore during downwelling Surface temperature in o C (colors) and winds(arrows) (Rutgers-LEO) Tuckerton, NJ

Cross section of upwelling event (Rutgers-LEO) (Temperature in o C) Models predict cold water upwelling during southwest winds Warm water moves onshore during downwelling

Models predict particles in water travel north during upwelling events and south during downwelling events Surface and sub-surface drifters (Rutgers-LEO)

Ocean temperatures and currents fluctuate on the New Jersey Coast in response to changing winds Green arrows are wind Red surface is 18 o C (65 o F) Blue surface is 13 o C (54 o F) (Rutgers-LEO)

These models are also being used to predict currents, temperature and salinity in: The Hudson River The Gulf of Maine Martha's Vineyard/Nantucket

Distance (km) Depth (m) Salinity (PSS) Hudson River Estuary (USGS and WHOI)

Gulf of Maine Tides Surface Elevation (m) & Currents (USGS) (Colors are Sea Level Height)

Tidal currents around Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket (Rutgers) Temperature (color) and currents (arrows)

(Rutgers) New Jersey coast and Mid- Atlantic Bight waters are influenced by the Gulf Stream and southward cold water currents from Canada Temperature (color) and currents (arrows)

(Rutgers) Currents along the east coast of North America are also affected by the entire Atlantic Ocean (Colors show sea temperatures o C at 100m below the surface)

(Colors Show Sea Temperatures o C at 100m below the Surface) Currents along the east coast of North America are also affected by the entire Atlantic Ocean (Rutgers)

(Relief Image from NOAA Animation by Rutgers) Our models are used in oceanographic studies in over 30 countries by: Universities Government Agencies Companies Totaling 280 registered users on six continents

The Laboratory To Rivers To Harbors and Bays To Continental Shelves To the Global Ocean Our models are used to predict ocean processes and variability on scales from:

The Laboratory To Rivers To Harbors and Bays To Continental Shelves To the Global Ocean Our models are used to predict ocean processes and variability on scales from:

Rotating tank at Coriolis Laboratory Grenoble, France Tank is 13m (43 ft) in diameter Lab tank experiments simulate coastal processes Simulation of coastal upwelling and downwelling at subsurface canyon Colors show the density of water just above the continental shelf break (Grey is the Base Density)

(PMEL/NOAA) Ocean currents transport fish larvae along the continental shelf in the Gulf of Alaska

Modeled surface temperature Very energetic “mesoscale eddies” 100 km Modeling the California Current System Temperature observed from satellite (UCLA)

(Rutgers) Hernan’s Comments here:

The simulations shown here were conducted on high performance computers at IMCS, and at super- computer centers around the world. Rutgers IMCS Ocean Modeling Group uses super-computer facilities at: The model of the North Atlantic Ocean, for example, has 250,000,000 unknown variables and takes 153 days to compute on 32 processors of an SGI Origin 3000 super-computer to obtain 7 years of simulation. The US Naval Research Lab, Washington DC NASA Stennis Space Center, Mississippi NASA Ames Research Center, California Arctic Region Supercomputing Center, Alaska National Center for Atmospheric Research, Colorado