Massachusetts Port Authority Soundproofing Overview AAAE Noise Mitigation Symposium Session 1: Airport Sponsor Roundtable October 2, 2006
Massport Soundproofing Massport has treated 4792 houses (9917 dwelling units) in 5 communities Through 2009, possibly the final year of a full-scale program, totals should exceed 5200 homes containing 12,000 dwelling units.
Revere: 738 Homes / 1749 Units
Revere Elderly Housing
Winthrop: 1584 Homes / 2261 Units
Winthrop Pilot Program 1984
South Boston: 501 Homes / 1245 Units
South Boston Historic
Chelsea: 172 Homes / 449 Units
Chelsea Day Care
East Boston: 1797 Homes / 4213 Units
East Boston Pilot 1984
East Boston Subsidized Brandywyne Village 45 Buildings 402 Dwelling Units Completed 2006
Brandywyne Village
Soundproofing Grant History Since 1982, the FAA has approved 16 AIP Grants totaling over 135,000,000 in RSIP funding. With Massport’s contribution, RSIP Funding will exceed $165, 000,000. Due to changing contours, MPA currently working with 3 Grants on 3 simultaneous contours.
School Soundproofing History Using the “School Day Noise Exposure Contour”, from 1981 through 2004, Massport has treated 37 schools at a cost of $8.2 Million in 7 communities: City of Boston (28): East Boston, South Boston, Roxbury and Dorchester. City of Chelsea (5) Town of Winthrop (3) City of Revere (1)
1 st School / East Boston
37 th School / Winthrop 2004
Room of Preference (secondary wall treatment)
Chelsea Soundproofing Mitigation Program Program is the result of AIP Record of Decision (ROD) relative to construction of Runway 14/32 14/32 provides a third runway when wind conditions require east-west runway configuration. ROD calls for Massport provide building code upgrades needed for sound insulation, to the extent that such code upgrades are necessary.
Chelsea: Commercial/Residential
South Boston Multi-Unit
Reachback Program Possible end in site for all-out Logan RSIP Approx. 900 of 6000 eligible homes have not participated in our 20 years of RSIP of these untreated homes remain eligible in our last approved contour. Last-chance applications being sent. Grant funding available for construction through 2009.
Bus Tour Details Bus Tour will begin with a short presentation Tuesday at 10:30. Visit all eligible communities, additional sights of interest and end with lunch at Piers Park. Room for a total of 66 people (two buses w/33 on each). Sign up sheets - first come / first serve.