Overweight or obese Adults who are obese30.4 Adults who are overweight35.1 Adolescents who are obese14.9 Adolescents who are overweight15.5 Low-income 2-5 year olds- obese12.9 Low-Income 2-5 year olds- overweight16.0 Statistics for MOCAN meeting July 23,
(1) Health Risk Behaviors among Missouri Middle and High School Students Statistics for MOCAN meeting July 23, 2015
(1) Increase fruit & vegetable consumption Percentage of adults who report consuming fruits and vegetables less than one time daily MissouriFruits Vegetables Statistics for MOCAN meeting July 23,
(2) Health Risk Behaviors among Missouri Middle and High School Students Statistics for MOCAN meeting July 23,
(2) Physical Activity No daily physical activity adults BRFSS Statistics for MOCAN meeting July 23, 2015
(3) Health Risk Behaviors among Missouri Middle and High School Students Statistics for MOCAN meeting July 23,
(4) Missouri vs. National Breastfeeding MO USATarget Ever At 6 month At 1 year Exclusively - 3 months Exclusively - 6 months Statistics for MOCAN meeting July 23, report data
(5) Reduce Food Marketing to Children ographic-responsible-food-marketing-to- children/ Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Statistics for MOCAN meeting July 23, 2015
(7) TV Viewing/ Screen Time Adolescents watching 3 or more hours of TV daily25.6 Low-income 2-5 years olds who view less than 2 hours of TV daily YRBSS 2011 PedNSS Statistics for MOCAN meeting July 23, 2015
(6) Increase Water intake Statistics for MOCAN meeting July 23, 2015 Daily water intakes from all sources by age group and gender, NHANES 2005–2010. Drewnowski et al. Nutrition Journal :85 doi: /