BG/Q vs BG/P—Applications Perspective from Early Science Program Timothy J. Williams Argonne Leadership Computing Facility 2013 MiraCon Workshop Monday 3/4/2013 Session: 3:45-4:30pm
2 BG/P applications should run, unchanged, on BG/Q — faster
3 16 projects –Large target allocations –Postdoc Proposed runs between Mira acceptance and start of production 2 billion core-hours to burn in a few months First in Mira Queue: Early Science Program
4 16 ESP Projects Algorithms/Methods Structured Grids Unstructured Grids FFT Dense Linear Algebra Sparse Linear Algebra Particles/N-Body Monte Carlo 7 National Lab PIs 9 University PIs 7 National Lab PIs 9 University PIs Science Areas Astrophysics Biology CFD/Aerodynamics Chemistry Climate Combustion Cosmology Energy Fusion Plasma Geophysics Materials Nuclear Structure
5 Next 2 slides, efforts characterized as S=small, M=medium, L=large –S : zero – few days of effort, modifications to 0% - 3% of existing lines of code –M : few weeks of effort, modifications to 3% - 10% of existing lines of code –S : few months of effort, modifications beyond 10% of existing lines of code Ranking based on estimates by people who actually did the work How Much Effort to “Port” to BG/Q?
6 How Much Effort? PI/affiliation Code(s) Magnitude of Changes Nature of Changes Balaji/GFDLHIRAM L Improve OpenMP implementation, reformulate divergence-damping Curtiss/ANLQMCPACK M S to port, L to use QPX in key kernels; plan: nested OpenMP Frouzakis/ETHNek5000 S Optimized small matrix-matrix multiply using QPX Gordon/Iowa StateGAMESS M 64-bit addressing, thread integral kernels with OpenMP Habib/ANL, UCHACC M Short-range-force only: tree code Harrison/ORNLMADNESS S Threading runtime tuning Kernel tuning to use QPX Jansen/U ColoradoPHASTA S Unchanged MPI-only performs well; OpenMP threaded in testing Jordan/USCAWP-ODC, SORD S, M None, Threading
7 How Much Effort? PI/affiliation Code(s) Magnitude of Changes Nature of Changes Khoklov/UCHSCD S Tune OpenMP parameters, link optimized math libs Lamb/UCFLASH/RTFlame S OpenMP threading Mackenzie/Fermila b MILC, Chroma, CPS L Full threading, QPX intrinsics/assembler, kernel on SPI comm. Moser/UTexasPSDNS S Compile dependency libs, add OpenMP directives for threading Pieper/ANLGFMC S Tune no. threads & ranks. Roux/UCNAMD, Charm++ L Threads, PAMI implementation of Charm++ Tang/PrincetonGTC S Improve OpenMP implementation Voth/UC, ANL NAMD, LAMMPS, RAPTOR M OpenMP threads & serial optimizations in RAPTOR/LAMMPS
8 Threads Communications –One-sided –Beneath MPI Kernel optimizations –QPX –Code restructuring Parallel I/O Algorithms targeting Blue Gene architecture BG/Q Tuned libraries –Linear algebra –Math functions –FFTs Areas of Effort