Red Imported Fire Ant Red Imported Fire Ant James Wilhelm
Names The Red Imported Fire Ant is also known by its scientific name Solenopsis invicta or they are sometimes simply called RIFA, Fire Ants, or Red Ants. The Red Imported Fire Ant is also known by its scientific name Solenopsis invicta or they are sometimes simply called RIFA, Fire Ants, or Red Ants.
The Red Imported Fire ants were introduced in the United States in the 1930’s. Ships from Brazil unloaded cargo to Mobile, Alabama accidentally containing the Red ants. The Red Imported Fire ants were introduced in the United States in the 1930’s. Ships from Brazil unloaded cargo to Mobile, Alabama accidentally containing the Red ants.
The Red fire ant is native to North America The Red fire ant is native to North America
Red imported fire ants usually build mounds that could be up to 18 inches in diameter and 18 inches high. It was reported in Alabama that some mounds were found to be over 2 feet high. Red imported fire ants usually build mounds that could be up to 18 inches in diameter and 18 inches high. It was reported in Alabama that some mounds were found to be over 2 feet high.
Fire ants can be a problem to people that are sleeping or bedridden because they can bite or sting individuals. Fire ants can be a problem to people that are sleeping or bedridden because they can bite or sting individuals.
They do the worst damage in hot, dry weather. They invade flowerbed and gardens searching for moisture and warmth. They do the worst damage in hot, dry weather. They invade flowerbed and gardens searching for moisture and warmth.
If the red imported fire ant is disturbed, it can bite and sting the intruder. If the red imported fire ant is disturbed, it can bite and sting the intruder.
Red imported fire ants can crawl into air conditioning units and destroy the electrical wiring on traffic lights. In Texas, the ants cause more the $140 million dollars in damage each year. Red imported fire ants can crawl into air conditioning units and destroy the electrical wiring on traffic lights. In Texas, the ants cause more the $140 million dollars in damage each year.
Sizes of Red imported fire ants The Average size of the Red Imported Fire ant is 3-6 mm long. The Average size of the Red Imported Fire ant is 3-6 mm long.
Damage Red Imported Fire ants are Omnivorous, they feed on any living or dead plant, or animals. Red Imported Fire ants are Omnivorous, they feed on any living or dead plant, or animals.
Red imported fire ants destroy the seeds, fruit and seedlings of many types of native plants. Red imported fire ants destroy the seeds, fruit and seedlings of many types of native plants.
Fire ants will attack reptile or bird eggs, nestling birds, beehives, adult reptiles, rodents, birds, and amphibians. Fire ants will attack reptile or bird eggs, nestling birds, beehives, adult reptiles, rodents, birds, and amphibians.
Fire Ants build huge dome shaped mounds, the nest building is mostly active after the rain. Fire Ants build huge dome shaped mounds, the nest building is mostly active after the rain.
Lifespan The Average life span of an adult red imported fire ant is days, a queen red imported fire ant can live up to 10 years. The Average life span of an adult red imported fire ant is days, a queen red imported fire ant can live up to 10 years.
Facts The red imported fire ant species have been found in New Zealand, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin islands. The red imported fire ant species have been found in New Zealand, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin islands. Worker ants become mature 2-4 weeks after hatching. Worker ants become mature 2-4 weeks after hatching. The Solenopsis invicta or red imported fire ant is a small ant, most are 3-6 mm in length. The Solenopsis invicta or red imported fire ant is a small ant, most are 3-6 mm in length.
Red imported fire ants can be controled with insecticides such as carbaryl, diazinon, dursban. Red imported fire ants can be controled with insecticides such as carbaryl, diazinon, dursban.
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