Group on Earth Observations (GEO) & Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) A ten year GEOSS plan (2005-2015)


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Presentation transcript:

Group on Earth Observations (GEO) & Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) A ten year GEOSS plan ( ) defines the vision, purpose, and scope of the system, as well as nine expected “Societal Benefit Areas” in disasters, health, energy, climate, water, weather, ecosystems, agriculture and biodiversity. This emerging infrastructure aims to interconnect a diverse and growing array of sensors and information systems to monitor, forecast and assess changes in our global environment to support experts, policy makers, and decision makers. The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is a partnership that includes 76 governments and 52 international organizations. The vision of GEO is to create a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) to realize coordinated, comprehensive and sustained Earth observations and information among countries. The implementation of GEOSS is being pursued through a set of tasks, including the GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP) that aims to build, test and demonstrate the information architectural capabilities necessary for GEOSS. This year’s pilot is focused on the four red circled societal benefit areas. CampusCarbonCausalityModel

ESA/FAO ESRI Compusult ISO WAF Data Spaces Community Catalog Z39.50 Community Portal AQ Community Infrastructure DRAFT Evolving Architecture USGS ESRI Compusult CS/W Users Search Register Service Providers GetCap. to ISO XSLT presently testing under development future development shared content Query via REST ISO Web Form for other ISO register find Note: diagram only depicts finding and registering activities - no binding (yet) Query via CSW search KML to ISO XSLT ISO to ISO XSLT

Linear Causality Model for Campus Carbon Emissions The carbon impact of on-campus energy is due to direct fuel consumption and indirectly from electricity use The overall carbon impact for on campus energy consumption has increased 50% from Electricity use contributed about 80 percent to the on-campus carbon impact Population Students Activities $ Expend./yr Buildings Sq. Ft Fuel Cons. BTU/yr C Emission Ton C/yr Fuel Cons. BTU/yr C Emission Ton C/yr Electr. Cons Kw-Hr/yr $/StudentSq. Ft./$BTU/Sq.Ft. Kw-hr/Sq.Ft. BTU/Kw-hr Carbon/BTU

Washington University Transportation Sector - Overview SUV/Truck Bus Metro Electric Carbon PMT Fuels (FM), j Emission (EM), k Diesel Car Students Gas  a i =1 Fraction of PMT b i VMT/PMT d jk Emission/Fuel- Commuting distance # of trips Activity Walk/Bike SUV/Truck Bus Metro Car Walk/Bike VMT c ij Fuel/VMT On Campus Trspt distance # of trips Unv. Mng Travel distance # of trips Train Air Train Air Shuttles Jet Fuel Faculty Staff