Diskusijas seminārs ar Latvijas partneriem , Jelgava
Priority: Economically competitive and innovative region Specific cross-border problem or development area to be addressed: Comprehensive bicycle tourism offer development and promotion Submission deadline of the application: November 30, 2010 Co-financing: % (differs for the various partners
Route network planning and cooperation Tourism products and infrustructure development Marketing and promotion Eurovelo 10 development
To create joint bicycle tourism routes’ network within the project (programme) area: ◦ To develop joint network of cycling routes within the project area; ◦ To identify and develop local routes, which join and cover the main tourism destinations and include highligts of regions; ◦ To strengthen cooperation among the tourism stakeholders within the project area (Experience exchange, trainings for tourism entrepreneurs, planners, tourism officers)
To develop bicycle tourism related products and support further infrustructure developments ◦ To create bicycle tourism related products;( “Bed and bike”, „Train and bike”, „Ferry and bike”): ◦ Development of quality brand „Friendly to bicycle tourists” and it’s pilot implementation in the project area; ◦ To improve (to set up) small scale infrastructure for the cyclists and holiday makers (information stands, resting places, etc.) ◦ To support further development of bicycle routes and roads (technical projects of bicycle roads, resting places, etc.). ◦ To elaborate a feasibility study on the further infrastructure development to meet the needs of cyclists;
To promote bicycle tourism within the project area and abroad: ◦ Action plan for marketing activities and cooperation for the after-project period to support cycling tourism promotion; ◦ Preparation of bicycle routes map and brochures (in LV, EST, ENG, NL, GER, SWE, FIN languages; for dissemination in the tourism information centres, fairs); ◦ Interactive „Platform” in web (materials, GPS based maps for downloading, etc.); ◦ Participation in bicycle-tourism related exhibitions and fairs; ◦ Tours for journalists and tour operators ◦ Information in the main cyclists journals, web in Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland about cycling offer in the project area;
To support further development if EUROVELO 10 network in project area: ◦ To identify and fix final version the route in Latvia; ◦ To develop local connections to EUROVELO 10; ◦ To promote the route within the EUROVELO network;