Jim Palmer, President Orange County Rescue Mission Co-Chair – Stand Down Command & Logistics Scope of Services Hospitality & Guest Services Unit Infrastructure Unit Command Unit Safety & Security Unit Entertainment & Exhibits Unit Volunteers Coordination Unit Communications & Development Unit
CITY OF TUSTIN PARTNERSHIP The Hangar City support Utilities Clearances Health Department OFCA Medical support
The Hangar in Tustin
HOSPITALITY & GUEST SERVICES Admissions & Registration Infrastructure Power and distribution Command Radio dispatch IT Accounting/Budgeting Elected Officials
SAFETY & SECURITY Signage Security Fire safety Golf cart coordination
ENTERTAINMENT & EXHIBITS Staging & management PA System Historical exhibits Entertainers Video production On site photography
VOLUNTEER COORDINATION communication Volunteer registration Volunteer training & coordination Boy Scout liaison
COMMUNICATIONS & DEVELOPMENT Data collection & outcomes measurements Fundraising Motorcycle clubs Shirts and clothing with event logo Volunteers Supervisors Veteran clients Commemorative challenge coins Local Interagency coordinator
Thursday, October 22nd Morning – Marines set up outside barracks, showers, toilets Villages are put together; Signage added Service providers/Community resources can set up on site Lunch is served to Marines/Volunteers Orientation for Peer Navigators Dinner is served to Volunteers and Corporate Sponsors
Friday, October 23rd 7:30 amVolunteers arrive 8:00 Veteran clients begin to arrive Showers, and clothing services open Veterans meet Peer Navigators Breakfast is served to Veterans and volunteers 9:00Villages are open for services 12:00Opening Ceremony is held Lunch is served 1:00Villages are open for services 5:00Villages close for the day 6:00Dinner is served 7:00Evening entertainment
Saturday, October 24th 7:30 amVolunteers arrive 8:00 Showers and barracks are open Breakfast is served to Veterans and volunteers Career Expo vendors begin setup 9:00Villages are open for services 10:00Veteran Career Expo is open 12:00Food trucks are set up for Saturday visitors Lunch is served to Veterans, volunteers and Career Expo vendors 1:00Villages are open for services 3:00Veteran Career Expo closes 4:30Villages close and are dismantled 6:00Dinner is served 7:00Evening entertainment
Sunday, October 25th 8:00amShowers are open Breakfast is served to Veterans and volunteers 9:00Marines arrive to dismantle barracks, showers, etc. Kitchen and tables are dismantled The Hangar is vacant again until the 2016 Stand Down!
TERMINOLOGY: Service Provider Onsite services such as dental care in a Village Community ResourceNonprofit organizations that want to exhibit their information to Veterans Expo ExhibitorFor profit company that will have jobs for Veterans Peer Navigator Veteran who will volunteer to guide ‘clients’ coming to the event around the Villages Volunteer ALL OF US – and many more needed over the four days!
Continuum of Care Continuum of CareCommittees
Outreach &Transportation Unit Food Service Unit Clothing & Personal Care Unit Shelter & Housing Unit Jerri Rosen, Founder/CEO, Working Wardrobes Co-Chair – Stand Down Continuum of Care Scope of Services
Veteran’s Benefits 1. Healthcare Subdivision 2. Wellness Subdivision 3. Education Subdivision Legal & Financial Services Unit Employment Unit Family Services Unit Peer Navigator Unit Employment Expo Unit
1. OUTREACH & TRANSPORTATION UNIT Services: Coordination of outreach team; Section 8 and HUD VASH Housing; Affordable housing for Veterans; Community Outreach, Disabled Veterans Outreach Specialist, EDD, Outreach at Community Colleges/Universities; Transportation of Veterans Chair: Karen Williams Co-chair: Dana Wiemiller
2. FOOD SERVICE UNIT Services: Hot meal preparation & service, food donations and resources, restaurant and food truck coordination – Thursday - Sunday Chair: Bill Bracken Co-Chair: Steve Spriggs
3. CLOTHING & PERSONAL CARE UNIT Services: Showers, Grooming (haircuts, manicures), Clothing, Shoes, Socks, Massage, Laundry services, Comfort Kits Chair: Megan Harless Co-chair: Sal and Sylvia Yniquez
4. SHELTER & HOUSING UNIT Services: Emergency, transitional, and permanent housing; all housing opportunities, property tent and animal care Chair: Gina Scott Co-chair: Sharon Ellis and John Hacker
VETERANS BENEFITS (Includes 3 subdivisions within village) 5. Healthcare Services: VA benefits, healthcare screenings and treatments (hearing, vision, dental), mental health screenings and referrals, drug and alcohol recovery assessment and counseling, wellness services, spiritual services, social security information Healthcare Subdivision: Chair: Jean Willis Co-chair: Renee Ramirez
6. Wellness Services: acupuncture, chiropractic screenings and treatment, massage therapy, meditation, yoga and workshops Wellness Subdivision: Chair: Bryan Bayer Co-chairs: Megan Harless Virginia Schoenfeld
7. Education Services: educational and training opportunities for Veterans Education Subdivision: Chair: Nancy Montgomery Co-chair: Laura Pinkham
8. LEGAL & FINANCIAL SERVICES UNIT Services: Referrals to legal services, tax preparation services, credit checks and counseling Chair: Amanda Petusati Co-chair: Jeff Kleid
9. EMPLOYMENT UNIT Services: Employment services, resume assistance, interview practice, employment counseling, job training and job search activities Chair: Mary Ann Profeta Co-chair: Rena Drake
10. FAMILY SERVICES UNIT Services: Family support, crafts for those children in attendance, family gathering area, backpacks Chair: Lisette Diaz Co-chair: Carmen Goss
11. PEER NAVIGATOR UNIT Services: Orientation, provide a “guide” through the event/villages for each attendee; provide information on Veterans membership organizations Chair: Miguel Vasquez Co-chair: Chase Wickersham
12. EMPLOYMENT EXPO UNIT Services: to provide awareness and employment opportunities for attendees Chair: Josh Newman Co-chair: Catherine Caldera and Andrew Vagley
MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS Grantwriting Press & Media relations Marketing Collateral Website & social media management
NEXT STEPS!!!! We are all in this together!
ACTION STEPS Help raise funds for our goal of $105,000 Reach out to all veteran service agencies and alert them to the event On-site exhibits for nonprofit agencies Open doors to corporations that want to hire veterans – goal is 100 companies at the Expo!
COMMITTEE MEETINGS LOCATION: ORANGE COUNTY RESCUE MISSION Wednesday, August 2010– 11 am Full committee11: Wednesday, September am Full committee11:30 – 1 Wednesday, October 810 – 11 am Full committee11:30 - 1