Phonetic chart
ɪ sit; it; wish; kit; bid; hymn, minute
e dress; bed; head; many
æ trap; bad; cat; man; sad
ɒ lot, odd, wash, hot
ʌ strut; mud; love; blood; up
ʊ foot; good; put
iːiː fleece; sea; machine; sheep
eɪeɪ face; day; break; say
aɪaɪ price; high; try; my
ɔɪ choice; boy; toy
uːuː goose; two; blue; group; you; do
əʊəʊ goat; show; no; go
aʊaʊ mouth; now; how; brown; cow
ɪəɪə near; here; weary
eə square; fair; various; there; hair
ɑː start; father; plant; farm
ɔː thought; law; north; war; saw
ʊəʊə jury; cure; pure
ɜː nurse; bird; learn; turn; her
ə about; common; standard; ago; better
p pen; copy; happen
b back; baby; job; bad
t tea; tight; button
d day; ladder; odd; door
k key; clock; school; can
g get; giggle; ghost
tʃtʃ church; match; nature; chair
dʒdʒ judge; age; soldier; jam; object
f fat; coffee; rough; photo; five
v view; heavy; move; van
θ thing; author; path; thin; death
ð this; other; smooth; the
s soon; cease; sister; sit
z zero; music; roses; buzz; zoo
ʃ ship; sure; national; show
ʒ pleasure; vision; usually
h hot; whole; ahead; hat
m more; hammer; sum; man
n nice; know; funny; sun; not
ŋ ring; anger; sing
l light; valley; feel; leg
r right; wrong; sorry; arrange
j yet; use; beauty; few; yes
w wet; one; when; queen; question
Consonants ppen, copy, happen bback, baby, job, bad ttea, tight, button, dday, ladder, odd, door kkey, clock, school, can gget, giggle, ghost, tʃtʃ church, match, nature, chair dʒdʒ judge, age, soldier, jam, object ffat, coffee, rough, photo, five vview, heavy, move, van θthing, author, path, thin, thank, death ðthis, other, smooth, the ssoon, cease, sister, sit zzero, music, roses, buzz, zoo ʃ ship, sure, national, show ʒ pleasure, vision, usually hhot, whole, ahead, hat mmore, hammer, sum, man nnice, know, funny, sun, not ŋring, anger, thanks, sung llight, valley, feel, leg rright, wrong, sorry, arrange jyet, use, beauty, few, yes wwet, one, when, queen Vowels ɪ kit, bid, hymn, minute, sit, ship edress, bed, head, many ætrap, bad, cat, man, sad ɒ lot, odd, wash, hot ʌ strut, mud, love, blood, up ʊ foot, good, put iːiː fleece, sea, machine, sheep eɪeɪ face, day, break, say aɪaɪ price, high, try, my ɔɪ choice, boy, toy uːuː goose, two, blue, group, you, do əʊəʊ goat, show, no, go aʊaʊ mouth, now, how, brown, cow ɪəɪə near, here, weary eəeə square. fair, various, there, hair ɑː start, father, plant, farm ɔː thought, law, north, war, saw ʊəʊə pure, jury, cure ɜː nurse, bird, learn, refer, turn, her ə about, common, standard, ago, better