Ant and the Three Little Figs Sharing Stories Unit 1 Lesson 1 Ant and the Three Little Figs
Word Knowledge began secret maybe believe easy read leaving leaned peek need cheek bee book wood hook stood blink plus glad plum
Fluency I had a dream about three little pigs. The frog jumped into the brook. Jack was glad to have a plum.
Building Background Does this title remind you of another story? The story is a funny twist on “The Three Little Pigs.” Have you ever read a story to a younger child? Say, “come and give me a (mumble hug). Does it sound like bug?
Background Information Genre: Humorous Fiction This story is made up. Fiction. The story is funny. Humorous. The author invents the action in the story. The author’s imagination is the most important thing in a work of fiction. Can you think of some funny sorties you have read? What made the story so humorous?
Clues, Problems, Wonderings
Vocabulary Figs - Fruit that is shaped like a small pear and grows on a tree. (pg. 14)
Vocabulary Quickly - Move with speed (pg. 17)
Vocabulary Finally - coming or happening at the end. (pg 18)
Vocabulary Chance - possibility of something happening (pg 18)
Vocabulary Anytime - at any time (pg. 21)
Comprehension Strategies Good Readers… Make Connections Use their own experiences to better understand the characters’ feelings and actions “This reminds me of…” “That part made me think of…” Visualize Picture in their minds what is going on in the story to gain clearer understanding “When I read that part I saw a picture in my head of…”
Ant and the Three Little Figs Chant If not a pig, How about a fig If not banana, How about bandana If not a wolf, How about a hoof If not a chair, How about a fair If not an eye, How about good-bye
Fluency The big cat hid under the bed. The man fell in the mud. We have a garden in our backyard.