Are you prepared for your exams? A few reminders for Y11 students
Early preparation Display the dates of your exams. Highlight times, or whether it is am or pm. Check that you are doing the paper your teacher has told you. Know what you need to revise. If you aren’t told, ask for advice on how to revise. Attend additional revision sessions.
A few days before the exam Continue with your revision and other preparation. Check the exam lists so that you know exactly where you should be (and where you should queue). Ensure that you know what equipment you need - calculator or other specialist equipment. Ensure you know your candidate number.
The day of the exam Eat sensibly and bring water (clear bottle, no labels) to the exam. Bring all the equipment you need (including a spare pen and pencil) in a clear pencil case. A black pen is required in all exams Arrive for your exam in good time and queue sensibly (taking account of the alphabetical arrangements for seating and boys/girls). If you have to bring your mobile phone, it must be switched off and handed in.
During the exam Make sure that you know which sections or questions you need to answer. Information is outlined on the front of exam papers, but a member of staff will also emphasise this to you. Remember the exam techniques and other tips your teacher has told you. Use all the time. Don’t finish early and just sit there.
And finally We want you to do your best but we cannot tolerate any actions or behaviour which prevents others from doing the best they can. The school and the exam board will take very firm action against students who do not conform to expected behaviour.
Good luck Believe, Achieve, Succeed