Derivatives on the Calculator
NDER On the TI-83 to find the derivative we can use NDER. Example: Find the derivative of y = x3 at x = 2 Press MATH 8 then type x ^ 3 , x , 2 ). Hit enter.
Symmetric Difference Quotient Your calculator uses the symmetric difference quotient to compute NDER with h = .001 It is an approximation! It is not exact and can lead to a false answer.
Example To find NDER(x3,x,2) your calculator did this approximation
Example Find NDER(|x|, x, 0) (Note: This is f’(0) where f(x) = |x|) We know graphically that this DNE since there is a corner at x = 0. What does your calculator tell you? Why?
Alternative method To find the derivative of y = lnx when x = 2 Enter lnx under Y1 then GRAPH Press 2ND TRACE then 6(dy/dx), type enter 2 and press ENTER