OUR VISION “To be a learning community that provides opportunities for all to excel in their chosen field, respect their own culture, celebrate diversity and become leaders for a better world.”
One million exams taken every year in over 40 countries. Most popular international academic program for 14+ age group. Externally examined, of known standards of CIE, Cambridge University Well known in the UK,USA, Australia, Singapore and Gulf region for University placement.
Develops learners knowledge and understanding Focuses more on skill development and critical thinking. Promotes thinking globally Provides a strong basis for undergraduate programs
♦ Attaining IGCSE qualifications can help to open the doors to higher education and eventually of the world’s best universities. ♦ While there are no shortcuts to attaining high grades in the IGCSE exams, there are some ways of developing your plan of study and preparing for the exams that can make life significantly easier (and less stressful) for parents and students alike. Hard work & dedication FeedbackGuidesPositivityPatience Tips for taking the exams
Practicing should involve constantly improving one’s approach to the task, even if it means doing the task fewer times. Students—in consultation with family and school guidance department— should carefully consider what exams and subjects they wish to take in order to achieve the best outcomes. DCS, Dubai, provides students with relevant guides for a plethora of academic subjects and topics, and challenges students throughout the term to think creatively, analyze deeply and study passionately.
Conduct psychometric test Organize Career Fair University trips Counselling workshop Parents meet and Greet
In the UAE, GETEX benefits from the patronage of HH Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Higher Education & Scientific Research. The fair is also supported by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) and the Dubai Knowledge Village & Dubai International Academic City - the region's largest clusters of training institutes and higher education providers.