Notes P.2 – The Cartesian Coordinate System
I. Cartesian Plane The xy-axes Named after Reneé DesCartes Used to plot data points and determine relationships between data. x y
II. Scatter Plots A. By Hand - Self explanatory! B. By TI-83+/84 1.) STAT – EDIT – SET UP EDIT.-ENTER 2.) STAT – EDIT – enter data in L 1 and L 2.
YearPopulation , , , , , , , , ,000 Enter the data on your calculator and then follow along with my overhead!
III. Absolute Value A. Magnitude or distance from zero B. Properties
C. Rewriting Absolute Value Equations: Ex. 1 -
Ex. 2 - First, find where each separate part would equal zero Next, set up your intervals using only one ≤ and only one ≥.
Now, drop the absolute value signs and simplify the expression. This goes with the right-most part of the domain Negate the entire expression. This goes with the left-most part of the domain
Finally, subtract the second absolute value expression from the first, giving you the expression for the middle part of the domain. We need to be able to do this for CALCULUS!!
V. Distance Formulas: A. Number Line: B. Coordinate Plane:
VI. Midpoint Formulas: A. Number Line: B. Coordinate Plane:
B. Standard Form Equation: VII. Circles A. Def - All points in a plane equidistant from a particular point (h, k).
VIII. Quick Review Complete the in-class worksheet.