Descriptive Mineralogy Native Elements: Pure elements that occur as minerals
Classification of the Minerals Non-Silicates Native Elements Halides Sulfides Oxides Hydroxides Carbonates Sulfates Phosphates Silicates Orthosilicates Sorosilicates Cyclosilicates Chain Silicates Layer Silicates Tektosilicates
Native Elements
Native Elements: Metals Fe, Co, Ni: Meteorites Platinum Group: (Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt): Mafic Igneous Rocks Coinage metals: Cu, Ag, Au Cu, Ag: Supergene Enrichments (Sulfide Oxidation) Au: Low Temperature Hydrothermal, Placer
Native Iron: Meteorites
Native Iron: Meteorites Widmanstätten Pattern
Iron-Nickel Phase Diagram
Platinum Group Metals Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt Strongly siderophile elements Enriched in Fe meteorites Found in layered mafic intrusions Bushvelt Complex (South Africa) Stillwater Complex (Montana) Skaergaard Complex (Greenland)
Bushvelt: Layered Gabbroic Intrusion
Bushvelt: Layered Gabbroic Intrusion
Skaergaard: Layered Gabbroic Intrusion
Skaergaard: Layered Gabbroic Intrusion
Skaergaard: Layered Gabbroic Intrusion
Native Elements: Cu, Ag, Au Cu and Ag: Supergene Enrichment Oxidation of Cu, Ag sulfides in unsaturated zone Precipitation of metal, oxides and carbonates at water table Ag and Au: hydrothermal Native metals and tellurides Au: placer oxidized hydrothermal
Supergene Copper
Hydrothermal Silver
Hydrothermal Gold
Hydrothermal Gold
Native Elements: non metals Carbon: Graphite: Metamorphic Rocks Diamond: Kimberlites Sulfur (+Se): Salt Domes (Sulfate reduction), Volcanos (H2S oxidation) Tellurium (Te) Telluride oxidation
Native Elements: Carbon Graphite (Low Pressure) Metamorphosed Organic-rich sediments Diamond (High Pressure >100km) Kimberlites Placers from kimberlites
Native Elements: Diamond
Native Elements: Diamond
Kimberley Mine 1875
Native Elements: Sulfur Fumaroles (Volcanic hydrothermal vents) Oxidation of H2S Salt dome cap rocks Sulfate reduction by petroleum
Fumarole Sulfur: Nysseros
In the caps of salt domes, gypsum (CaSO4 2H2O) is reduced to native sulfur
Native Elements