English Now! Level D ELL Services Scoring The Writing Workshop Pretest and Posttest
1. To monitor student progress 2. To evaluate effectiveness of teaching and learning 3. To plan continuing assessment and instruction Purpose of scoring
…And Don’t Forget….. To provide meaningful feedback to the students.
Become familiar with the Anchor Papers
Start with the Writing Checklist
Why? 1. More objective 2. Scores the way the students were instructed, sentence by sentence (outline) 3. Gives direct feedback to students that makes sense 4. Just easier to be fair
Use the Evaluation and Scoring Conversion Key
Why? 1. Matches the district reporting format ( rubric of 1-4) 2. You will score the students on Galileo as a 1, 2, 3, or 4
Finally Have meaningful conversations with your students about their papers based on the Checklist that you attached to their test. (If Posttest, consider allowing students to rewrite final paper for a higher class grade.)