PREPOSITIONS A preposition is placed before the noun or pronoun it refers to – ‘pre-’ means ‘before’ and ‘-position’ reminds you that it is important where it goes! It defines a relationship to a noun or pronoun. What does this mean?
PREPOSITIONS The dog splashed into the river. ‘A preposition defines the relationship to the noun or pronoun.’ This means: The preposition tells you where or how something happens in respect of the noun, e.g. The dog splashed into the river. The preposition ‘into’ tells where the dog splashed – the river. ‘river’ is the noun.
PREPOSITIONS There are many prepositions; here are some of them: about, above, across, after, against, along, among, amongst, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, into, near, of, off, on, over, round, since, through, till, to, towards, under, underneath, until, up, upon, with, within, without.
PREPOSITIONS Choose prepositions to fill the blanks in these sentences. The old man walked slowly ………………. the mountain. A cat crept ……………. the wall. She takes great pride ………………… her appearance. Zidane kicked the ball ………………… the goal. Put the book back …………….. on the shelf. Choose from: on, in, up, along, into
PREPOSITIONS Choose prepositions to fill the blanks in these sentences. The old man walked slowly ………………. the mountain. A cat crept ……………. the wall. She takes great pride ………………… her appearance. Zidane kicked the ball ………………… the goal. Put the book back …………….. on the shelf. Choose from: on, in, up, along, into
PREPOSITIONS Give three prepositions which could be used in each sentence below: .………… The knife was …………. the table. …………. The child sat …………. his father.
PREPOSITIONS Highlight the prepositions in the following sentences: I stood on the bridge of the ship. The boy rushed down the lane after the ball. Gemma threw the litter in the bin. Above me, I saw the clear sky.
PREPOSITIONS Highlight the prepositions in the following sentences: I stood on the bridge of the ship. The boy rushed down the lane after the ball. Gemma threw the litter in the bin. Above me, I saw the clear sky.
PREPOSITIONS from beside with of off at towards for Create your own sentences using these prepositions: from beside with of off at towards for on during except until
PREPOSITIONS Some prepositions ‘go’ with certain words: different from similar to angry at (something) angry with (someone) suffer from protest against complain of compared with disappointed in (something) disappointed with (someone)
PREPOSITIONS Use prepositions effectively and the quality of your writing will improve – you will be able to express yourself more accurately and more clearly.