Greek to English Test by André Wheeley and Ben Gooley GREEK PREPOSITIONS Greek to English Test by André Wheeley and Ben Gooley
Original concepts by André Wheeley and Ben Gooley DATIVE ACCUSATIVE GENITIVE ½ uJper above on behalf of para epi, ef E para epi, ef E epi, ef E exw para to upon from upon outside, out of alongside, beside from beside, beside upon kata, kaq" ajpo, ajf beside, with eijV to, into, for, with a view to ek, ex from, away from peri according to enwpion from, out of before dia en dia kata, kaq P M proj meta eJwV M meta proV P because of in, on through There is a story that goes along with the visual presentation that I goes like this: In tennis, when you serve an ace, it goes IN or INTO the court, WITH A VIEW to winning. When the ball lands in the court, it is IN The APO apple has been thrown AWAY FROM the house and it came FROM the house. The flight path of the apple from FROM or OUT OF the house. PRO woman is going TO or TOWARDS the house. META man is attracted to PRO woman, so he is AFTER her. The DIA bullet was fired THROUGH the house… BECAUSE OF the DIA gun. META man and PROS woman appear again. PROS woman is walking BEFORE meta man. META man is holding PROS woman’s hand because they are together and he is WITH her. Pros woman is holding some ENOPION (opium) which has the same meaning as PROS woman = BEFORE The OPISOH onion (because opisoh looks like the English spelling of onion) is attracted to Meta man, so is AFTER him. The KATA gospel is ACCORDING to Mark (see the top line of every page in the Greek gospels). The KATA ladder is leading AGAINST the preposition house. The PERI-meter line is AROUND the preposition house. But in the genitive the PERI line gets very CONCERNING. The HUPER hoop relative to the preposition house is ABOVE it in the accusative, but in the genitive is ON BE ½ OF. The HUPO coffin is buried UNDER the house in the accusative, and when people die you say BY BY to them. The EPI lady is standing UP ON the house and also TO UPON and FROM UPON. The PARA parrot relative to the Epi lady is BESIDE or WITH her, also ALONGSIDE and FROM BESIDE. The SUN strangely is WITH the house for no apparent reason. Meta man travels with Pros woman until they get to the HEOHS (he owes) toll gate. There Pros woman discovers that Meta man has no money and dumps him. So their relationship was going along UNTIL or AS FAR AS the toll gate. The EXO fence divides the garden of the preposition house from the OUTSIDE, where you’d be OUT OF the garden. sun ojpisw against with after with before until, as far as after to, towards uJpo peri around under by concerning
Greek to English Test by André Wheeley and Ben Gooley GREEK PREPOSITIONS Greek to English Test by André Wheeley and Ben Gooley