23 September 2006Lynge Blak Chairman 1 THE GLOBAL FEDERATION OF NATIONAL IR SOCIETIES RUN BY IR PROFESSIONALS FOR IR PROFESSIONALS Initial planning The 2007 International IR Conference Tokyo, Japan End of November / beginning of December 2007
23 September 2006Lynge Blak Chairman 2 Agenda Tokyo 2007 Experience from chairman’s visit to China, Korea and Japan June 2006 –Int. conference in Tokyo with focus on IR globally – special features in relation to IR in China, Korea, Japan and other Asian markets (new potential Asian IIRF members) – –visibility of IIRF in Asia IIRF incentive for organising int. conference in Tokyo –JIRA 2nd largest IR society in the world –TSE the 3rd largest Stock Exchange in the World –Highly developed Japanese IR consultancy & service providers –Large exp. domestic and int. sponsor involvement
23 September 2006Lynge Blak Chairman 3 Resources JIRA’s rôle as host – (pre / under / and post conference) –JIRA as a partner in the internationalization of the Japanese IR market Required IIRF resources for organising the conference –Implications of taken conference in-house –Outsourcing of the logistics to local conference organiser: Japan Convention Services, Tokyo –Tokyo Stock Exchange as committed major participant and sponsor in the conference LB meeting with TSE President Mr. Nishimuro 31st Oct –LB to see potential domestic and int. sponsors in Tokyo week 44 –iR Global League to provide IIRF with global delegate contact details –Preparation of financial feasibility plan Tokyo conference as a multimedia event –Direct webcast and links to main sessions (special sign-up fee) –International service providers
23 September 2006Lynge Blak Chairman 4 Program Joint JIRA national and IIRF international conference end of November / beginning of December 2007 Program content –Int. “theme” – and strong int. marketing appeal –Int. speakers and service suppliers to be signed up in 2006 –Invitations for Governing Council / Friends of IIRF to speak at conference –Wednesday : JIRA national annual IR conference at the Imperial Hotel, Tokyo –350 participants at e100 per person IIRF - Morning events: 1 on 1 meetings with Japanese (Asian) institutional investors to be organised, followed by lunch and 3rd Global Summit –Thursday and Friday : IIRF Int. conference with International program inclusive senior round table events Traditional Japanese dinner –Saturday Sight seeing tour of Tokyo
23 September 2006Lynge Blak Chairman 5 Delegates and Sponsors Delegate price to be agreed with JIRA (price level in Tokyo) – to ensure large Japanese, Asian and international corporate attendance Sponsor program –Major sponsors: Tokyo Stock Exchange – agreed and major media sponsor Nikkei News (prospect) –Sponsored to be signed up in 2006 (before budget fixing for 2007) –Sponsor payment as for Warsaw conference to be considered Delegate price reduced by sponsor agreements and further by participation in IIRF int. survey on IR practices – Sponsor concept “Friends of IIRF” to be introduced –Any person and/or organisation introducing new sponsors will be offered a “finders fee” of 15%
23 September 2006Lynge Blak Chairman 6 Conference Steering Committee –IIRF Executive Committee – 3 persons –Two members of the Governing Council –JIRA two local staff members –JIRA IIRF representative Tomoko-san –Two corporate JIRA members –Two consultancy / service providers JIRA members –Representative from TSE –Representative from Nikkei News –Three Asian representatives – Australia/Korea/China –Representative from Japan Convention Services Special personal advisors to IIRF Chairman: –Fred Stone and Neil Ryder