The United States in the New millennium What major historical events have taken place since the year 2000? What issues challenge the American people? How has life changed in the US and the world? Where have we been as a nation and where are we going?
The Election of 2000 Who ran for the Republicans? Who ran for the Democrats? What was the result? Why was it controversial?
Sept. 11, 2001…A changed World What is the History of Terrorist attacks Against the US? What is the War on Terror? What is the Patriot Act? Where is the balance between National Security and Civil Rights?
History of Terrorist Attacks 1978 Theodore Kacznski “The Unabomber” Mails bombs to kill 3 people over 17 years
1983 – Shi’ites explode a truck bomb at killing 241 US Marines in Beirut, Lebanon
1985- Hijacking of the Achille Laro
1988 – Libyan Terrorists explode a plane over Lockerbie, Scotland killing 270
1993 – Al-Qaeda terrorists plants bombs in the WTC, killing 6 injuring 1,040
1995- Timothy McVeigh uses a truck bomb to destroy the Federal Building in Oklahoma City
1998 – Two US Embassies bombed in Africa by Al-Qaeda
2000- The bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen, 17 sailors killed
2001- WTC, Pentagon and PA crashed planes, 3000 killed
The War on Terror The World Wide Hunt for Al-Qaeda and Bin Laden post 9/11 The War in Afghanistan – Removal of the Taliban – Oct The War in Iraq – March 2003 until ???
Anti-terrorism Measures Office of Homeland Security The Patriot Act Suspects can be held for 7 days without being charged All phones, Internet, and tapped Search warrants valid across state lines U.S. Banks can investigate foreign accounts No time restrictions prosecuting terrorists Aviation Security – The responsibility of the Fed. Gov
President Bush’s 1&2 nd Term 1.35 trillion in tax cuts NCLB (No Child Left Behind) Privatize Social Security Dealing with 9/11- The War on Terror The War in Iraq Dealing with Iran and North Korea Energy Issues/Dependence on Foreign Oil Prescription Drug benefit- Medicare
Issues for the 21 st Century US role in the Global Economy The War on Terror The Immigration Debate Issues in Education (NCLB) The Communication Revolution ( Internet) Curing the Health Care System Breaking the Cycle of Poverty Tough Choices about Social Security Women in the Workforce Climate Shift or Global Warming