Flight and Paper Planes Dr Eric Webster
Bernoulli ’ s Theorem When air flows fast the pressure of the air is lowered
Bernoulli ’ s Theorem When air flows fast objects move towards the fast flowing air
Normal air pressure Normal air pressure Normal air pressure
Still air Normal pressure Fast air Low pressure Blow Still air Normal pressure
Blow Fast air Low pressure Still air Normal pressure
Fast air Low pressure Still air Normal pressure
Blow Fast air Low pressure Still air Normal pressure
Spinning Balls Air speeds up Air slows down
Spinning Balls Low pressure High pressure
Golf Balls - Slice
Golf Balls - Correction
Why do aircraft fly? A look at a few web sites would suggest that the answer lies in an application of the Bernoulli ’ s Theorem
Fast air Lower pressure Slow air Higher pressure
Force/Lift Gravity
Force/Lift Gravity
Wing Vortex
Golden Eagle
A320 Wing Tips
Internet pages forest or search for Corneles A Huisman