Introduction to Earth Science Chapter 1 Introduction to Earth Science
1.1 What Is Earth Science? Overview of Earth Science Earth Science includes all sciences that seek to understand the Earth Earth's “neighbors” in space (universe)
1.1 What Is Earth Science? Overview of Earth Science Four Branches (Units) of Earth science 1. Geology: study of physical Earth 2. Hydrology: study of water 3. Meteorology: study of the atmosphere and the processes that produce weather 4. Astronomy: study of the universe
Careers in Earth Science: 1) Geology=_______________________ 2) Hydrology/Oceanography=_________ 3) Meteorology=____________________ 4) Astronomy=_____________________
1.4 Earth System Science Earth as a System Earth is a dynamic (constantly changing) body with many separate but highly interacting parts or systems (which are also called spheres). Even though we study them as four main separate systems (which have many smaller subsystems), they are all interrelated and all affect each other
1.2 A View of Earth Earth's Major Systems or Spheres 1. Hydrosphere • includes all the water on the Earth (fresh and salt water. Approximately 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. Saltwater is mostly found in the oceans, which makes up the majority of the hydrosphere, containing 97% of all water. Freshwater includes rivers, lakes, glaciers, vapor, and underground water, composed of the remaining 3% of all water on Earth.
1.2 A View of Earth Earth's Major Spheres 2. Atmosphere 3. Biosphere • A thin blanket of air that surrounds the Earth • About ½ lies below 3.5 miles (5.6 kilometers) 3. Biosphere • Includes all life (plants and animals) • Found in all other systems or regions of the earth- the land, sea, and air
1.2 A View of Earth Earth's Major Spheres 4. Geosphere- the physical Earth • divided into 3 parts based on the different composition of the physical matter - Crust—the thin, rocky outer layer of Earth. - Mantle—the 2890-kilometer-thick layer of Earth located below the crust. - Core—the innermost layer of Earth, located beneath the mantle.
Earth’s Layered Structure
Analogy: Comparing Geosphere to Structure of a Peach A) Fuzzy thin skin of a peach = ________ B) Fruit or fleshy part you eat = ________ C) Large seed in the center = _________
Hydrosphere: ________________ Atmosphere: Biosphere: _________________ Review: Using the “helicopter ride paragraph”, identify the examples for each of the four Earth spheres or systems Hydrosphere: ________________ Atmosphere: Biosphere: _________________ Geosphere: