ToK - Language How much could you know about the world if you had no language or means of communicating with other people?
ToK - Language Name an object....
ToK - Language Write a sentence describing what is happening in these two pictures: Compare versions...
ToK - Language Language is a subset of Communication.... but not all communication is language
ToK - Language Body Language
ToK - Language
What do we mean by language? Language is symbolic The use of a sound to stand for “that” object or idea: Red Tree Love
ToK - Language Symbols
ToK - Language Symbols
ToK - Language Symbols
ToK - Language What do we mean by language? Language is rule-governed. Language is intended. Language is creative and open-ended.
ToK - Language Rule-governed: Grammar Rules Accepted vocabulary Needs social agreement
ToK - Language Intended: Language is a form of communication, but not all communication is language You are bored in class, you catch someone’s eye and make a yawning gesture You are trying to look interested in what someone is saying but find yourself starting to yawn.
ToK - Language Creative and open-ended: You can write or speak a sentence that has never before appeared in the English language
ToK - Language Language enables us to communicate new information, to learn about people and places and ideas we have never encountered before…... but to what extent should we trust it?
ToK - Language There is an element of translation in every communication. A sends a message to B. B receives the message and interprets it. Misunderstanding takes place.
ToK - Language A volunteer to describe the drawing......
ToK - Language Why is it so difficult to communicate effectively?
ToK - Language Some of the reasons... Most of the message we communicate is non-verbal. The words we use are vague, imprecise, and can be interpreted in different ways. We may have a “hidden agenda” that is not mutually understood. In this community, we all have different language histories and experiences – verbal and non-verbal! This contributes to the “problem” of communication.
ToK - Language Problems of meaning Language changing Language used to influence and persuade.
ToK - Language Problems of meaning Vagueness: fast, slow, nice, bald Ambiguity: “Refuse to be put in the basket”, “Flying planes can be dangerous”, “Eats, shoots and leaves” Secondary meaning: love, death, school, priest Metaphor: “She has her head in the clouds”, “My brother is a butcher”, “My doctor is a butcher” Irony:“Nice weather!”
ToK - Language Changing language - language reflects our changing world. Gender issues Political correctness Technology Slang International travel Internet + media
ToK - Language Language used to influence and persuade. Propaganda and manipulation through language using: Emotionally laden words Weasel words Grammar Revealing and concealing
ToK - Language Emotionally laden words: Terrorist / Freedom fighter Pro-life / Pro-choice Free speech / Hate speech “Blocking your child’s access to objectionable material on the internet is not called Censorship – it’s called Parenting” Al Gore
ToK - Language Weasel Words: “many”,“ should”, “probably” “Probably the best lager in the world” “Our product can reduce wrinkles by 25%”
ToK - Language Grammar: “We bombed many villages” “Many villages were bombed”
ToK - Language Revealing and Concealing: “I have invited an attractive blonde to the party” “I have invited a cellist to the party” “I have invited my sister to the party” “I have invited a marathon runner to the party” “I have invited a lesbian to the party” “I have invited my best friend to the party” In war: Neutralise; Pacification; Liberate; Strategic Redeployment; Security Assistance
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at a Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
ToK - Language