Agency Coordination: Fraser River Estuary Management Program [FREMP] Georgia Basin/Puget Sound Research Conference 3 April 2003 Vancouver, BC
Fraser River Estuary Management Program Geographic context of the Fraser River estuary Jurisdictional context for managing the Fraser River estuary ecosystem Nature of the FREMP partnership Estuary Management Plan: A Living Working River Conditions for success
Jurisdictional Context Canada is a federal state where legislative powers are divided between two levels of government – federal and provincial. Local governments exercise powers delegated by provincial governments. Constitution (1867) provides federal and provincial governments with distinct spheres of authority. Regulatory confusion about matters not foreseen by Fathers of Confederation.
Fraser River Estuary Management Program FREMP FREMP is a partnerships for integrated management working toward sustainability FREMP emphasizes co-operative ‘made-in-the-region’ policy solutions FREMP coordinates the environmental review of project proposals that can affect the environment
Partners in FREMP Environment Canada Environment Canada Fisheries and Oceans Canada Fisheries and Oceans Canada British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection Greater Vancouver Regional District Greater Vancouver Regional District Fraser River Port Authority Fraser River Port Authority North Fraser Port Authority North Fraser Port Authority
Environment Canada Protects migratory birds Migratory Birds Protection Act Conducts research and regulates environmental contaminants Canadian Environmental Protection Act Environmental Assessment Canadian Environmental Assessment Act -- CEAA Manages water bodies and ocean disposal Canada Water Act and Oceans Act Controls deposition of deleterious substances Fisheries Act
Fisheries and Oceans Canada Protects physical habitats for fish, and water quality for fish and fish habitats Fisheries Act Environmental Assessment Canadian Environmental Assessment Act -- CEAA Protects the public right of navigation [Canadian Coast Guard] Navigable Waters Protection Act
BC Ministry of Water, Land & Air Protection Manages discharge of pollution to air, water and land BC Waste Management Act Manages contaminated sites Waste Management Act Protects resident or migratory wildlife and their habitats BC Wildlife Management Act Environmental Assessment Environmental Assessment BC Environmental Assessment Act
Port Authorities Manage land and water lots Maintain navigation Administer environmental policy Canada Marine Act and Port Operations Regulation
Greater Vancouver Regional District Air Quality management BC Waste Management Act Regional Utilities: liquid waste and solid waste management BC Waste Management Act Contributes on behalf of municipalities who regulate land use BC Local Government Act -- Regional Growth Strategy and Official Community
FREMP Business Categories Policy development, overall priority setting and strategic management Operational issues requiring coordinated decision making Operational issues requiring coordinated decision making
Partnerships Governed by Memoranda of Understanding Since 1996, BIEAP and FREMP have been jointly administered, providing effective coordination of the programs while addressing the distinct needs and priorities of the two individual areas Two-level management structure
Overall Management and Policy Direction Steering Committee comprising principals of signing partners, meets annually to discuss progress on programs and provides direction on matters unresolved at other levels Management Committee meets monthly to deal with overall management and policy issues
Operational Management Management Committee can establish subcommittees and work groups Management Committee annually develops five-year business plans and annual budgets and work plans Manager, supported by staff, reports routinely to Management Committee to provide functional direction to programs
FREMP Achievements
BIEAP and FREMP Achievements Reform package implemented for Coordinated Project Review -- new three phase, four track process [ 160 projects in 2002] Liquid Waste Management Plan process to develop a long-term made-in-the-region plan with partner input mediated with program resources
FREMP Achievements FREMP Estuary Management Plan [EMP]: A Living, Working River 1994 EMP endorsed by FREMP municipalities Area Designation Agreements Sediment Budget to manage dredging Habitat classification and GIS capability Indicator Monitoring Report on the Estuary Management Plan 2001
The Estuary Management Plan Vision, Goals, and Action Programs Habitat colour-coding system Area Designation Agreements
Estuary Management Plan ACTIONS Environmental Protection Water Quality Management Fish and Wildlife Habitat Human Activities Navigation and Dredging Log Management Industrial and Urban Development Recreation
Summary and Conclusions There has been steady progress on program priorities and improvements to project review procedures The innovative, linked management structure is a suitable vehicle for partners to shift their environmental focus - from permits and approvals to a performance based regime of standards and monitoring compliance
Conditions for Success Broad recognition of the need for integrated management Effective communications within and between agencies Commitment to resolve conflicts Ability to learn and adapt Public support