Big Blue Marble
Earth’s Systems are: Atmosphere Geosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere
Atmosphere Gaseous envelope that surrounds the Earth. Consists of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and trace amounts of other gases.
Geosphere Continental and oceanic crusts, groundwater in the crust, the mantle, and the core.
Hydrosphere Liquid and solid water on Earth’s surface, including: lakes, wetlands, streams, rivers, oceans, ice caps and glaciers.
Biosphere Life zone of the Earth, includes all living organisms. From the deep ocean trenches to the highest mountains.
Earth is a closed system for water. This means that when you add up amounts from everywhere the total is always the same!
Water is found in all of Earth’s systems, even in the Biosphere, because living things all drink water!
Earth’s internal energy (gravity) and external energy (sun) makes water move between Earth’s systems.
A change in one Earth System eventually effects all other systems. For example: If a volcano erupts (geosphere), it puts a lot of ash into the sky (atmosphere) and temperatures will drop and living things can die (biosphere).
Matter is not created or destroyed, it just changes form. (Earth is a closed system with matter.) Example: Burning wood from the biosphere doesn’t make it disappear…it turns it into carbon in our atmosphere.
Carbon is found in all four of Earth’s systems. Atmosphere: CO2 Geosphere: fossil fuels (from compressed dead stuff), limestone rock also contains carbon Hydrosphere: carbonic acid (rain water) Biosphere: Animals get carbon from eating plants.
As populations increase, so does the demand for fossil fuels for transportation, electricity, and home heating.
Think about it!
Electricity is a key part of life in the U.S. Factories, stores, schools, homes, and recreational facilities depend upon a constant supply of electricity.
Night Sky
The unavailability of electricity almost always makes news!
Black-out 2003
Where does Electricity Come From?
How is electricity generated in the Detroit area? Coal is burned to heat huge vats of water. Rising steam turns huge turbines to produce electricity. The coal’s chemical energy is converted to thermal energy during the chemical change of the burning process. It is then converted to kinetic energy when the turbines spin. Next electrical energy is created.
What is coal? Combustible rock with more than 50% by weight of carbonaceous material. Formed when plant remains are altered physically and chemically through bacterial decay, compaction, and heat.
How do we get coal? Surface mine Underground
What are the disadvantages to producing electricity? Too much carbon dioxide (CO2) gas is released into the atmosphere, which causes the greenhouse effect. Particulates (floaties similar to ash) are also released into the atmosphere, this makes kids get sick more often. Coal is a nonrenewable resources.
Nuclear Energy Heat is produced by fission of uranium. The heat creates steam, turns turbines
Advantages Burns relatively clean, minor air pollution
Disadvantages Thermal pollution: Water is pumped in from nearby waterways to cool the reactors. When the warmed water is returned to the river, it increases the temperature of the river. This can kill life in the water. Nuclear waste… Where will we put spent uranium?
Hydroelectric Power Generated by the pressure created from flowing water against turbine blade. Two types of hydro power: Falling water (natural or from dams) Natural river currents
Disadvantages Dependent on seasonal changes and stream flows. If you dam a river to regulate flow, it impacts animal habitats and fish can’t get above the dam to spawn.
Advantages Renewable resource Little air pollution Fast start up for peak demand (no steam needs to be generated) Little thermal pollution
Other resources for making electricity: 1. Geothermal 2. Solar Thermal 3. Wind energy (for example: windmills on the shores of the Great Lakes) 4. Biomass
What are the advantages of having energy resources? We maintain a high quality of life Indirectly energy provides employment for large portion of community
Disadvantages Decrease in air quality Acid rain Global warming Groundwater contamination Financial burden on households
Only you can control how you use energy resources to reduce the negative impacts. How will you do it?
What is the cost of fuel these days?